Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 – Save The Hero

Christopher Brown | May 14th 2020 | New York City, NY

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Christopher Brown | May 14th 2020 | New York City, NY

"Last month you were trending on social media. If any of you didn't know you were a victim of police brutality and just recently the officer was arrested and charged with assault and is facing between 6 to 12 years of jail time. How was that experience for you?" Envy asked me. I pondered trying to find the right words to use.

"It was scary—traumatic actually. I've only seen these things happen second hand so to be one of the luckier ones who came out with their lives is one I'm most grateful for." I spoke genuinely. I thank God that nothing escalated more than I needed to me.

"And you became a victim of this because your then girlfriend made a false report against you. Did she ever reach out to you to apologize or anything like that?" Angela asked me.

"Actually no and at this point she's dead to me. You've put me in such a tough position where my life was the main threat—accident or not—because you couldn't stand me not being with you? Doesn't that speak volume to you?" I looked around the room and everyone was in deep thought. "Just imagine if they got a different descripting and some other black man was a victim? We live in a country where we have to look over our shoulders every day. You should be educated to know what's right and what's plane foolishness and ignorance." I concluded.

"And you're speaking facts right now. Our community has taken so much and we still haven't gotten a break." Charlemagne spoke up.

"You also tweeted saying that your daughter was the one who got you through that rough time. How did she get you through that?" Envy asked me with complete curiosity in his eyes. I smiled thinking of my baby girl. "When we left the station and I got home she ran out of the house and the look of happiness on her small face made me cry. During that time all I could think about was my daughter, she's everything to me and it would suck to leave her so early." That smile was still on my face and I couldn't even stop. She was my heart and without my heart I'm basically dead. Her birthday is coming up so her mom and I have been planning a party for her.

"One thing I admire about you is that you are an excellent father man and you deserve that happiness." I replied with a proud thank you. The vibe in the room shifted from such a serious place and it was a lighter feeling.

"So Chris earlier today a video of you and the Queen Bey surfaced online..." I chuckled, a smile spreading across my face. "...and y'all look very acquainted I must say!" We all laughed. "What can you tell us about you two?" I sighed then chuckled.

"Man, Chris Brown and Beyoncé!? That would be a field day for music!" Charlemagne exclaimed into the mic.

"Bro I-I don't know if I can say anything." I said hesitantly. "C'mon man! You gotta say something! Y'all out here kissing and shit! Hell! That half-time performance was screaming sex appeal!" I laughed as I leaned back in my chair.

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