Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 – Oshun Energy [2]


October 28th 2020 | Upper East Side, NY 

Chris and Beyoncé walked down the hall of the hospital on their way to Dr. Sherrie's examination room. Today they were finding out the gender of the baby and Chris was sitting on the edge of a cliff right now. He couldn't wait to full indulge in the moment. He couldn't wait to listen to the heart beat and see his baby on the monitor. Beyoncé on the other hand was nervous. She really wanted this girl to be the one and nothing else. A boy would be just an equal blessing but there was pressure in raising a boy that she honestly wasn't ready for.

She had hit the 5 month mark in her pregnancy with no complications or non-appointed hospital visits and exams. The last month of her pregnancy was a traumatic experience and she vowed to herself to lessen these that would cause unnecessary stress and worry from happening. Now that Shawn was finally out the picture she was in a better place, emotionally and mentally.

They walked into the exam room where Dr. Sherries was waiting their arrival. She stood up once hearing the door to the room open. A smile graced her face seeing one of her best clients she has ever endured in her career.

"Good afternoon parents to be!" She beamed brightly walking to closer to them. "Hey girl!" Bey beamed giving the doctor a hug. Chris stood on the side with his hands in his pockets, not sure if he should also embrace the woman or not. They pulled away and the doctor unexpectedly embraces Chris in a warm and tight hug.

He was a bit taken back but decided to return the gesture. "It's so glad to see you guys again!" She pulled away from him with a wide grin. Chris gave her a small smile then turned to Bey with a 'what the fuck' look on his face.

"So we know our last visit wasn't on the most joyous occasion but I know for a fact that today will be much better!" She guided a pregnant Bey to the table and leaned her back carefully.

Already knowing the procedure, Beyoncé did as she's done before and waited for the doctor to place the gel unto her stomach. She did such and grabbed the wand, moving it around Bey's lower abdomen. Chris watched as the fuzzy monitor started to clear up to a well pixilated image.

"So have you been resting as I told you to?" She asked Bey and she gave her a very nervous smile. She looked over at Chris and he just chuckled. "She was still enough but you know she always finds something to do." He snitched on his love and when she flicked him off they all just laughed at her.

"Well I know 'cause the Next Ex song had me ready to kick my husband out the door!" They all laughed at her dramatics. "Anyway, that's fine as long as there wasn't any physical or mental stresses we're good." She reached over and pressed a few buttons and the baby's hear beat filled the room. It was very fast and potent.

"Damn. Why is it beating so fast?" Chris asked in amazement. Dr. Sherrie looked up at Chris with an 'are you serious' look. "What?" He asked and Beyoncé just laughed at their exchange.

"Have you met yourself? You're one of the most energetic persons the world know Christopher." Bey spoke up earning a mug from Chris. "Man I just be happy." He sat down in the seat next to Bey and held her hand.

"Now depending on the position of the baby we can tell the gender and see all of its features. Hopefully the baby cooperates and makes this fight easier." Dr. Sherries moved the wand around and the baby's face was the first thing to fill the display.

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