Chapter 37

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Y'all spoiled as hell, just so y'all know.

Chapter 37 – This Shit Hurts

Beyoncé Knowles | September 25th 2020 | Brooklyn, NY

I dropped my towel looking at myself in the mirror. I turned to the side and my baby bump was on great display. I smiled as I rubbed the side of my bump. I was happy to be able to bring another life in this word but I would be better if the circumstances were different. Chris wants absolutely nothing to do with me and Jay and I were actually working on this marriage but I didn't feel anything about that.

During the therapy sessions a lot was uncovered pertaining to Jay's infidelity and that really placed a wedged between us. Although I promised I would work pass and push it to the back of mind, whenever I look at him all I see is a man who hurts me constantly. I know for a fact when he sees me, he sees Chris right behind but I try my best not to flaunt our history in my face. It was hard to even look at him and not see the liar he was.

I was just waiting on him to tell me that he had a son with some whore. The P.I I hired a few months ago uncovered that for me and at first I could deal with it but since I found out about my pregnancy, I just wanted out. Everything was becoming overwhelming and stressful and I've been trying my best to not let it affect me.

I heard the door knob jiggling and I quickly wrapped the towel back around my body. I walked to the door and unlocked it.

"Why you look the door?" He asked me blocking the way to the bedroom. "Can't a girl get some privacy?" I asked him. I pushed him out of my way and walked into the bedroom. I rummaged through the draws to find something comfortable to wear.

I felt his hands wrap around my body and kisses placed on my neck. I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a jogging pants and a sports bra.

"I haven't been able to touch you and I think it's time we take this to the next level." His fingers laced their way under my towel and I quickly snatched away from him. "I'm not in the mood and I don't feel comfortable enough having sex with you right now." I spoke sternly.

He huffed and I know for a fact he was going to have a bitch fit.

"Beyoncé you do this all the fucking time! You think I can just sit here and wait until you're ready!?" He snapped at me. "You didn't wait then and I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't wait now." I walked away from him and back in the bathroom.

"Where you going!?" I snatched my arm from him then slapped him. "Don't be grabbing on me like I'm one of your little five dollar whores!" I yelled at him.

"But I bet when Chris ass doing it you be loving that shit!" He yelled in my face. I mushed his face away from mine. "SEE THIS IS THE PROBLEM! YOU ALWAYS BRING HIS ASS UP WHEN HE NOT EVEN NECESSARY! YOU CAN'T BE THIS FUCKING JEALOUS OF SOMEONE WHO CLEARLY DOESN'T WANT SHIT TO DO WITH ME—FUCK!" I gritted grabbing my abdomen. I felt something running down my leg and I looked down seeing blood. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and slammed then locked the door.

I pulled the towel off of me and rushed into the shower. With a shaky hand, I turned the water on and let the heat soak into my skin.

"God, please." I whispered through the tears. "Please protect my baby." I closed my eyes as the water washed over my curls.


"Alright Mrs. Carter the doctor will be in with you shortly." I nodded as the nurse felt out the room. I sighed leaning back on the examination chair.

"You good Bey?" I glanced up at Julius then nodded my head. "When you said that true love never misguide you, is it true?" I asked him, fiddling with my fingers.

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