Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 – Reliving [1]

Beyoncé Knowles | May 28th 2020 | West Hollywood, CA

Today I had a studio session without Chris and this was the first in many. I had ideas of releasing an 8-track EP after the divorce but I wasn't sure on it yet. I know for a fact that I wanted to release an album before July but I'm still working out the sound I wanted for it. Lately I've been listening to a lot of retro-styled music and I know for a fact that this would be the heavy influence on my album besides my usual RnB stylings.

I recorded three independent songs and one with Chris. The Jealous Remix was still in the vault since I had an idea I wanted to run by Chris. If he said yes then that would be another ball in the basket for us both. I didn't want to put too much on his since he was in the middle of preparing for a tour so that had him occupied enough.

The driver pulled into the lot of the studio I had booked for the day. I had Blue with me as well as Julius for security and a little baby sitting. I gave Angie the time off because I know for a fact she was tired of my ass and I was also tired of myself. So this studio session was for me to just release and relax.

"Welcome to West Hollywood Studios." The receptionist greeted with a beaming smile. "Hello, studio session for Beyoncé." I returned the smile as she typed away on her keyboard.

"Sign right here and you're free to go." She handed me a pan and an electrical pad. I signed my signature and gave her back the pan. "Enjoy your day." I smiled as we walked off to the side where the door that leads to the studio was.

This studio had a homey feel and it was very private so it was easy for me to word freely and easily. I pushed open the door and my smile grew as I saw BOOTS sitting around the piano playing a few keys.

"BOOTS!" I exclaimed was I entered the room fully. His head shot up in my directing and his face deemed with joy. "Thank Jesus! I was getting bored!" I laughed as sat my bag down on the nearby couch.

"Okay I have this song I want you on." This piqued my interest. "Lemme here it." I leaned on the piano as a beautiful melody filled the room. Soon his voice added the volume and I feel in love with the song already.

"I heard enough, let's do it." I cheesed as I watch the smile om his face. "I came up with a lil' something-something so we can just brainstorm until we find the perfect blend of both worlds."

BOOTS was one of my top go-to producers to work with. Not only was he talented, he was great to work with and he made anyone and everyone feel comfortable. He had this warmness to him that made you fall in love with him. Not in a romantic way but as a person on a whole.

"Let me go in the booth and ad-lib a bit." I walked off from the piano and into the booth. I placed the headphones over my ears as the instrumental played. "Let me warm this brain up a lil'." I spoke to myself.

"All my life, I've been dreaming of you, I've been dreaming of you, I've been dreaming of you...."


"I love with even more." I stated as we finished to the semi-mastered.

We had just finished recording BOOTS' new song Dreaming I was featured on and it was definitely one of my favorite features I've ever did. I don't just do feature freely but when I do, it must mean a lot to me.

"Now, I know you said you wanted to test out a few things so I invited a few people to get the ideas flowing." The door to the studio opened and in walked Ne-Yo and Stargate.

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