Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 – Love Makes You Act Differently

Christopher Brown | Brooklyn, NY

"Now we're standing on the edge. Looking like here we go again. I used to be your man but today I woke up as your friend." I sung softly as I wrote the lyrics to a new song I'm working on with Afrojack. He had hit my line a few days ago saying he needed me on a song and I accepted. I haven't done an electric or dance song in a long time so why the hell not.

He even came up with lyrics for the song with other writers but I was adding my own flare to the song. I didn't want it to sound odd but yet similar to both our styles. I completed my piece of the lyrics and all I needed to do was record once he gets into town or whenever that will be. I also had my own material to record so I just hope he will be available very soon because I'm running on a much timed schedule.

"Here's your food." I looked up seeing Darren and Myles standing before me with a nervous expression on their faces. I took the food from his hand and the sat it next to me. "You can go do whatever." I dismissed him opening the Chinese boxes with food.

"You know you don't have to be such a bitch all the time." I looked up seeing Beyoncé before me in a long sleeved poker-dot dress. I smiled largely standing up to embrace her in a hug. She chuckled wrapping her arms around me.

"Aww they're so cute." I rolled my eyes at the annoyance called Myles's voice. "Nigga go fuck a tree and leave us alone." I flicked him off and he stuck his tongue out then disappeared behind Darren.

"Why you always cussing somebody out?" Beyoncé pushed me and I fell back in the seat I was sitting in previously. "Because they deserve it." I replied then took a bite of my shrimp fried rice.

"Hmm-mmm. Sometimes I really wonder if you're missing a few screws in the head." I shrugged my shoulder. "I've been fucked up since childhood. Nothing new here babe." I looked up at her and she had a very serious and hard look on her voice.

"I ought to slap the fuck outta you Christopher." I sighed covering my food. "Okay. You're pissed at me so what did I do now?" I asked giving her my undivided attention.

"You always blame childhood and your past mistakes on your behavior but never once fully took the time out to process and heal from all that. You just drown yourself in your work and isolate yourself from people who really give a shit about your scrawny ass." I dropped my head then looked back into her eyes. "And these niggas you got around you ain't even your friends because if they were, half the shit you be in wouldn't have happened. They're enablers and instigators so you better cut their asses off as soon as yesteryear because this baby ain't being around no bad influences." Just as she said baby I placed my hand on her stomach feeling her growing bump.

I was about to speak but she held her hand up stopping me. "Let me make myself clear, if you wanna be with me you need to man the fuck up. Quit all that stalking shit with your ex because I'll fuck you up if I have to. You are going to better yourself for this baby and your daughter. New chapter in both of our lives and we need to get better as persons before we can call ourselves parents to an unborn baby."

I listened to her words. "I will do better. I promise."

"Good. Now where we going for dinner?" She asked me and I just stared at her in confusion. How the fuck did she switch up on a nigga so fast?

"I ain't gon' tell you that. Just be ready for seven." I informed her. I had a night full of stress free fun and no drama. I just wanted her to enjoy her time because I knew things for her have been really hard on her and this pregnancy.

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