Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 – The Bullshit Never Ends

Beyoncé Knowles | October 10th 2020 | Hamptons, NY

For the past few days have been the most relaxed and happy I've felt in a long time. I'm officially a single woman and I couldn't help but feel like a bird set free from a cage. I've been with one man for most of my life and now I am single I can honestly say I wasn't even in a marriage. It was more like a business deal went bad. Either way, I am finally out and doing my own thing. I haven't told anyone as yet but I was planning to do so once I make my pregnancy announcement. When I hit the six or seven month mark I'll inform whoever needs to know but right now I'm going to indulge in the moment.

I walked through my home in nothing but a weed red silk dress and a matching robe. My hair has been in its natural curly stage and I had on minimal to no makeup. I was feeling my sexiest and nothing could pull me out of my high. I really wish I could have a glass of wine right now but we know how that is going. I connected my Spotify playlist to my home stereo and Chris' Party started blaring through my house. I placed my iPad down on my kitchen counter then pulled out my fruit platter from the fridge just as my phone started to ring.

I quickly answered seeing Chris' face spread across my display.

"Buzz me in." He hung up and I rolled my eyes. "Amma get his ass back for that." I mumbled pressing the button for the gate. I watched from the front door seeing his Porsche pulling into the driveway then an silver SUV rolled in behind of him. I raised my eyebrows as to who that could be.

I walked down the bottom of the steps to meet Chris. He got out of his car with three bags in his hand and a backpack in the other. He walked towards me with an everlasting smile on his face.

"Damn you look good pregnant." He managed to give me a hug with the load in his hands. I inhaled his intoxicating scent and felt my knees go weak. I fought the moan that tried its best to escape my mouth then I pulled away from him.

"Thanks." I moved my hair behind my air feeling small. I caught myself blushing under his stare. I looked up and I giggled mushing his head away from me. "I hate you soooo much Christopher." He just laughed while kissing my cheek then moving into the house.

Behind him stood my mother with her arms folded across her chest. i just stared at her while her eyes travelled behind Chris as he walked into the house.

"I didn't know he was gonna be here Beyoncé." She finally approached me and once I felt her energy I knew this was going to be one of those moments. "I didn't know you was gon' be here either but you're here aren't you?" I sipped my imaginary tea in my head then turned around.

"You coming in or what?" I walked up the stairs in my black 6 inch heels.


I danced around my kitchen while eating my pineapple slices dipped into a salty caramel sauce. It was one of my cravings and I was finally able to have some. I heard walking and I looked up seeing Chris walking with his phone in hand and more bags. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity as to what would be in there. They weren't marked with any logo so I had no clue what he was hiding.

"What's in the bag?" I asked moving closer to him with a pineapple slice in my hand. "I know you been craving some spice so I made some hot wings." He opened the bag and pulled out three large containers. "I also got some greens and cornbread." He opened the container and my mouth watered just by the sight and smell.

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