Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 – Miss Moving On

Beyoncé Knowles | September 30th 2020 | Hamptons, NY

Waking up to an empty bed was something I was accustomed to. With Jay being M.I.A I had enough time to figure things out and just be at peace. Blue and my mom were coming over to spend the day with me and that's when I planned on breaking the surprise to my mother. I know she's going to be disappointed of how it all happened but she'll get over it. No one was going to make me feel any type of guilt during this time. Better yet, I'm not going to allow it.

I wrapped my towel around my body as I walked back into my room and into the closet. We weren't going anywhere today so I was thinking of something comfy but still free flowing. I finally picked my dress and went downstairs.

Since I had so much free time over the past few months, I decided to learn basic cooking skills and since I was so skillful with the skillet that was my to-go pan. I took the sausages out of the fridge along with some onions, garlic and bell peppers. I was going to make my sweet and sour sausages along with white rice boiled in coconut milk. I hate cooking rice but it was what I was craving.

"Ms. Bey! You home!?" I smiled hearing the voices of my favorite twins. I stopped cutting the onions and walked to the main area where Larry and Laurent stood looking around.

"Hey boys!" I beamed opening my arms. The accepted my gesture for a hug and I felt at home. They were like my children to me since I did raise them at some point in my career. We pulled away and my smile got bigger as I admired them. They were gorgeous human beings and very kind as well.

"I see you did some redecorating." Larry stated and Laurent looked around finally paying attention. "This is nice. I like it." I chuckled at his tone.

"What y'all doing in this neck of the woods?" I asked, walking back into the kitchen and resume cutting my veggies. "We just finished shooting for a video and we just wanted to drop by." Laurent sat at the island and watched me.

"I'm loving this glow by the way! New skin routine?" I laughed loudly at Larry's comment. "No you idiot! It's obvious she's pregnant!" I started coughing once his words settled in my brain.

"You okay Monster?" I nodded my head, clearing my throat. "Ye-yeah. I'm fine and pregnant but I'd take that as a complement Larry." I pointed my knife at him and turned back to the food. I opened the bag for the sausages and started to cut them into bite size pieces.

"Oh shit! We going to be uncles!" I laughed turning the stove on. "Shut up."


"Go Monster! Go Monster! Go Monster!" The twins cheered for me as I performed the choreography for Crazy In Love. I did my final poses as the song came to the end. They played the studio version and it can't tell the last time I heard it. I mostly listen to the live edits for the intense feel but the studio had a very nostalgic and retro feel as well . It's a reason it's the song of the century.

"Whew! That was so much fun!" I laughed plopping down on the couch right next to them. I was a bit out of breath since I haven't done any dancing in a long while but it felt good to be in the moment. I missed performing but hopefully when this baby pops out of me I can get back to seeing my fans.

"Let's do Get Me Bodied!" Larry beamed. "Boy my ass is tired! Y'all can do one of the dances from that show!" I chuckled, getting up from the seat. I walked into the kitchen to check on my food. My sausages were done and I have about 10 more minutes until my rice is finished cooking.

"It smells good in here! Who cooking!?" My mother yelled walking into the house. I rolled my eyes covering my pot back.

"Monster in there cooking." I heard one of the twins respond. "Mommy!" I looked back seeing my baby Blue rushing towards.

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