Chapter 45

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R.I.P Chadwick. You inspired us young black princes and princesses to strive for Kings and Queens. Your legacy and impact will never be lived down. You fought and gave us several of your best bodies of work and for your hard work, resilience and determination we really show our appreciating for you and your love for your craft. Gone but won't ever be forgotten. Wakanda Forever! *T'Challa voice*

Chapter 45 – Bittersweet

Christopher Brown | October 4th 2020 | Tappahannock, VA

"Wha—" I jumped awake from my sleep feeling the vibrations from my phone. I sighed deeply then picked it up seeing a FaceTime request from my mother. I swiped the green answer button then yawned.

"Morning baby." She greeted. "Morning ma, wassup?" I wiped the sleep from my eyes then sat upright in the bed.

"Just calling to remind you that your sister gets into Richmond in about an hour and a half so you gotta pick them up." I nodded my head. "How long is she staying again?" I asked her. My mother planned this whole dinner for my dad to celebrate him having a successful surgery. He had a few more treatments and therapy to go through but I'm grateful he's still here standing strong.

"She's staying the week and my grandchildren gonna be there as well." Another yawn escaped my mouth. "What time did you go to sleep Chris?" She asked, worry on her face. "An hour ago. I've been up for more than 30 hours handling work stuff." I could feel the heaviness in my eyes and my hand was literally trembling while holding my phone.

"Baby you need sleep. If you continue to work yourself out like that you can catch a stroke and I don't need you sick right now." I nodded my head. "I know mama. How's daddy doing?" I quickly changed the subject. If it was up to me, she's keep talking about it and I didn't want her to worry about me.

"He's doing good. He's regaining his strength so he'd be back to his old self fully in no time." I smiled hearing that update about him. "Ohh and before you do have you heard anything about Royalty?"

Royalty was supposed to fly in along with my sister but Nia was throwing a fit about her flying with someone she doesn't know or trust. I understood what she was saying but I wouldn't make a suggestion about that if I didn't trust my sister. Sometimes she makes it seem like I'm incompetent of protecting my own child and I'm not. I've been talking care of her since the day she was born. The house she lives in I pay the mortgage and a fraction of the bills so she needs to humble herself. I have nothing against Nia but she can be a real bitch sometimes and I just pray she figures out her shit real soon.

"Whatever you got going on with Nia y'all need to sort it out. Y'all not finna make this petty stuff prevent my grandbaby from getting to know her family." You could even tell that my mother was also feeling some way about all this nonsense.

"Ma you know I try to reason with her. I offered to let them use the jet but Nia said she doesn't want my pity. What the hell does that even meant?" I really don't know what has gotten into Nia but it's getting out of hand. "I offered to buy their tickets and she hung up on me. I know I haven't done anything direct to hurt her so if she's holding something over my head then she needs to talk to God. I don't have time for this drama. Work is already stressing me out enough and I'm already worrying 'bout Beyoncé and this baby and that's all I need on my plate right now."

I'm overwhelmed right now but it was nothing that I couldn't be able to handle.

"I'll talk to her when she gets here then I'll let you two talk. Sometimes is bothering that girl and we're going to find out what it is."

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