Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 - Oshun Energy [1]

Beyoncé Knowles | October 28th 2020 | Upper East Side, NY

I rolled unto my side with open eyes. They set themselves unto my closed window to find light droplets on the glass. I sighed reaching over the night stand for my phone. I checked the time and a few emails before starting my day. I had 45 more minutes before I wake Blue so I was using this time to get some things over and done with.

I had an email from my creative staff pertaining to the song I recorded last week asking for the go ahead to release it. I granted permission then moved unto other things. It didn't take me much time before going through all 25 emails. It felt longer but oh well.

I got out of bed and walked myself into the bathroom. I did my morning routine then walked out the bathroom with a fresh face and a fresh breathe. I walked down to the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot chocolate. It was a bit cold and I just needed something to warm me up.

"Boss you up!?" I heard Julius' voice echo throughout the quiet house. "I'm in here JuJu." I responded pouring the hot water into my cup with the cocoa, sugar and milk.

He walked into the room and took a seat at the island. "Where's my girl?" He asked referring to Blue. "She's still in bed. Giving her a lil' extra time before she gotta start school." I also made him a cup then gave it to him.

"Thank you and how's little man doing in there?" A smile graced his face and I rolled my eyes. "Why everything thinks I'm having a boy?" I asked sitting next to him. I really wanted this girl but everyone keeps putting this boy on me and I'm not ready to deal with everything that comes with being a black man in America. Just thinking about that was a lot of pressure and stress I'm not ready for.

"I don't know-I guess your glow seemed different from your pregnancy with Blue. Your whole energy is brighter." He explained. I shrugged my shoulder sipping my hot chocolate. "Eh." He laughed drinking from his cup. I looked at the time over the oven and saw it was nearing 7 AM and decided it was time to get Blue started on her day.

"Anyways JuJu I'm gonna get BB up. I'll see you in an hour." I slapped his hand lightly then got up from the island walking out of the kitchen. "BLUE! GET YOUR ASS UP OR YOU AIN'T GETTING NO WAFFLES!"


"Bye mommy!" Blue waved from the car. I waved back sending her a kiss. Julius placed her into her car seat and in the blink of an eye they were down the driveway of my home. I walked back into the house closing the door behind of me.

"I'm free at last!" I yelled aloud. I did a happy dance but stopped mid choreography as my phone dinged nonstop. I rolled my eyes seeing messages from Chris' big headed ass.

Mau🙄❤ (Baby Daddy): Morning Big B🐝 [8:26 AM]

What you want lil boy? [8:26 AM]

Mau🙄❤ (Baby Daddy): Amma just ignore that insult [8:27 AM]

Mau🙄❤ (Baby Daddy): What you doing today? [8:27 AM]

Mau🙄❤ (Baby Daddy): I wanna take you out [8:28 AM]

Hmmm. I don't know if I like you that much to say😬 [8:28 AM]

Where you wanna take me?👀 [8:29 AM]

You forgot about the appointment today? [8:29 AM]

Mau🙄❤ (Baby Daddy): I ain't dumb Bey😐. Just get ready for 2:30. [8:30 AM]

Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter | Staten Island, NY

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