Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 – Nightlight


Beyoncé locked herself in her room all day. Anything she needed she called Julius and he got it done. Shawn didn't bother her anymore and just decided to leave the house and get some fresh air. He was really trying with his wife but she was pushing him away from her.

She doesn't let him touch her, kiss her, to make it worse, whenever he said I love you all she would do is laugh. It burned him with anger and she loved provoking him. Making him feel like dirt made her feel a sense of power. She wanted him to feel what she has felt for the pass month and a half and it was going the way she intended.

Her hurt was no longer covert. It was on display and everyone could see it but she tried her best to seem like she way okay but whenever she was home, the tears of disappointment and regret were her best allies. Even looking at her daughter made her skin crawl. She knew it was bad to feel that way about an innocent factor but she looked like her father, that's all she saw. A man who has been hurting her over and over again which was partially her fault since she keeps going back. Eventually she's going to get tired and leave but when will she realize?

She got up from the floor she has been sitting on for the past hour. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She stripped her closed and got into the heated glass barrier. The water stung her skin as I rushed from her head to toes. She let out a deep sigh as the tears filled her ears.

She was crying because her marriage was failing, she had lost her baby and she's been a bad mother but her tears rushed more as the thought of Chris invaded her memory. She truly loved him but she didn't know if she wanted to be with him or to continue building a legacy with her family. She didn't know which she wanted to call home. It was a battle she had to face on her own and she wasn't ready not one bit.


Chris finally landed at JFK International and smelled the rushing New York air. It was a bit chilly due to the strong winds but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He walked through the private gate that was reserved for his arrival and walked straight through the airport without a stop.

He got outside and a black Escalade was parked waiting for him. The driver took his bag and he got in alongside his assistant and manager. He was staying in the state for four days to do a little press and just to hang out and check out the different city art.

The driver pulled off and Chris laid his head against the window. He closed his eyes and let he sleep take over his body.

He walked into an unknown house, not seeing anything that could give him an idea of where he was. He tried to make shapes of the shadows in the room as he navigated but was unsuccessful. He heard the slamming of a metal door from the back of him and turned quickly. He could see a dim orange florescent light peeking from beneath it. He approached the door but stop once he felt a gush of wind blow pass his ear.

"Don't go in there." The voice whispered. He looked around not seeing anyone. Though he thought he was alone, he was terribly wrong. He reaches for the cold doorknob but was pushed away from it by a white spirit with a silver lining.

"You shall not pass!" It hissed at him but he paid it no mind.

It was unfortunate that the mystical conjure was forbidding him but the pull he was receiving gave him the comfort that whatever that is hidden behind the door was his right to know.

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