Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 – Distance

Chapter 13 – Distance

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1 Month Later

Beyoncé Knowles | May 11th 2020 | East Hampton, NY

I walked out of the bedroom I was sharing again with Shawn and into the main area. He was watching TV with Diddy who has been more present since I've been back and it was starting to become annoying. I don't mind him being around but not this consistent. Everywhere I turned he was breathing down my neck and it was annoying.

He keeps bringing Chris' name into conversations and asking irrelevant questions surrounding us. I was trying to forget about him to focus on what Shawn and I were rebuilding but it's hard to do such things when people won't let you breathe.

I do think of him once in a while, just curious to know if he's doing okay. I would reach out but Shawn has banned me from talking to him. It's kind of inevitable since he's friends with Kelly and so am I. We're prone to meet another time and I wouldn't be ready to face him. I walked into his life and made it seem like we were a forever type thing when I just did the opposite.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a glass of wine then left the room. I walked back into the living room to make my way back into my room but Shawn called my name so I turned around.

"Yes?" I asked then sighed. I just wanted to go back to my bed and watch TV.

"Can you get hand me a beer please?" I rolled my eyes and walked away from the room. I walked through the hallway that leads to the backyard. I slide through the door and walked into the yard. I loved the way the green hairs that grew from the earth tickled my feet.

I sat down in the middle of the yard letting the sun rain on me. I threw my head back while I let out a deep sigh. I heard feet crushing the grass as it got closer to me. Soon the sun had disappeared and I rolled my eyes behind my eyelids then opened them to see an annoyed Shawn.

"Didn't I say get me a beer?" I just stared at him. "I'm not your mother nor am I your maid. You have two perfectly working feet and arms." I sipped my wine looking away from me.

"So what you doing out here then? Waiting on the nigga to call you?" I screwed my face showing confusion. I don't even have my phone on me and Chris never called me in 15 years so why would he start now?

I didn't respond to him. I just continued to sip my drink as I watched the trees sway in the breeze.

"So that it huh? He doesn't give a fuck about you Beyoncé! He never did and he never will!" I looked at him with an emotion free face. I stood up moving closer to him.

"Don't get your ass beat again Shawn." I walked around him and into the kitchen. I went into the fridge and got the bottle of wine then closed the door.

"Where you going with that?" I rolled my eyes looking at Diddy. "Julius!" I yelled. He came around the corner from out of the shadows.

"Can you please show him to his car? He's a threat to my peace." I instructed walking out of the kitchen. Shawn came from the yard and I walked pass him heading for the bedroom.

"Beyoncé!" I slammed the door shut. I locked it and slide down against it and poured the drunken liquid into my glass.

"Beyoncé open this door right now! We not done talking!" I smiled weakly as I stared at the wall opposite me.

I should've stayed my ass in Virginia.

Christopher Brown | Los Angeles, CA

It has been a month since I last seen and spoke to Beyoncé. My birthday had passed and I didn't hear anything from her. Kelly has been keeping me up-to-date about her. She said that she and the hubby were working out a few things and I was glad for her. Even if I was jealous I couldn't compete with 13 years and a billion dollars. I still loved her but I love from a distance. There was also a small amount of hope that she'd come back but I don't know if that's enough for such a big wish.

The doors to the conference room opened and my team walked in. I scheduled a meeting with them to discuss my tour that I wanted to start off in June and a few other things. I always wanted to do a short weekend concert series just to give my fans an idea of what to expect this summer but we'll see how that does.

They took their seats and I started the meeting.

"Morning y'all. Indigo was released last year and unfortunately for me I couldn't do any touring since basketball season had approached. But that is long over and I need this tour off the ground. The date is June 29th and I need marketing to get started on that. Kenny here has the dates and venues so he'll get them to y'all. I need to talk with production to get my idea going. I am putting a lot of money into my staging and I need to see my vision through." I spoke watching all their different expressions. A few were taking notes and others were listening intently.

"I need 10 male and female dancers. I already got the band down and my set list is already finalized. But to give a little taste of what I wanna give them, we're gonna do a weekend concert series later in the month. I need Marvin to get me a venue that can hold a little over 10,000 people. Date will be the weekend of the 29th." I informed them. They had a few nervous looks but I ignored them.

"But sir, how can we fit three months of rehearsal into a month and a few weeks?" Leah, who was on my production team asked with genuine concern on my face.

"That means y'all got some work to put in. Look I know we can do this, we just got to apply everything into it." I stood up and pushed my chair in.

"I need a list off all dancers by Thursday and also the venue for the concert series needs to be booked and confirmed by Sunday." I instructed then turned to my assistant.

"I need you to get in contact with Balmain. The director owes me a favor." I watched as he typed it into his phone. "And when will you need the conformation?" he asked pushing his glasses on his face.

"As soon as possible then schedule a meeting. You know my schedule so work around it." He nodded his head then walked away. "Oh and Darren!? Make sure that meeting with production is scheduled as well." He gave me the thumbs up as he typed away.

I turned back to my manager who was scrolling through his phone. "What we got next?" I asked as we walked through the doors of Chris Brown Entertainment. I owed my own record label and production company.

"You got an interview with Hot 97 tomorrow and I already sent the list of what not to ask." He nodded my head as we approached the SUV waiting a front for me. The three of us got in and the driver closed the door. He pulled off and we were on our way to another meeting I had with my label.

I leaned back in my seat releasing a deep sigh. I wasn't tired or anything like that, the seats were just comfortable as fuck. Leather covered seats with memory foam padding. That was my personal request for all work related transportation.

"When is the flight?" I asked locking out the window. "It's at 10 PM." Daren spoke up. I looked at my watch seeing it's after one in the afternoon. I sighed rolling my eyes. I had nothing else to do for the rest of that day besides picking my daughter up from school.

This is gonna be a long ass day.

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