Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 – Nope

Beyoncé Knowles | September 24th 2020 | Hamptons, NY

September 4th 2005 | Houston, TX

It's been about a week since Chris left for Virginia and I missed him like crazy. He's been on my mind and there was nothing much of I had the keep his presence near. I had the memories, his favorite hoodie and the pictures but they don't compare to how it felt when he was near me. I missed him more than I thought I would've and it's driving me crazy.

We finally had an off day and I was glad. I was tired from working so much and we still had school so that was double the stress. So the girls and I decided it would be best to chill at my house until it was time for us to part. It was also my 17th birthday and I wasn't doing much until later tonight. I was going out with my family for dinner and that was about it. I wished Chris was here to spend it with me but we all know how that goes.

There was a rapping at the door and we all looked at each other with eyebrows raised.

"We expecting somebody?" Kelly asked. I shrugged my shoulders getting up and the girls followed. I opened the door and I raised my eyebrows seeing Chris' uncle standing before me.

"Are you Beyoncé?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Yes, that's me." I replied. The door opened wider and the other girls were stood behind of me.

"Well I'm sure you know who I am. My nephew sent this for you and I would like to wish you a happy birthday as well." He handed me a rectangular box wrapped in gold and pink wrapper. I smiled thinking of the time I told him those were my favorite colors.

"Thank you Mr. Davis." I gave him a side hug and he stepped away from the door. I closed it and turned around seeing the girls watching me with suspicion. Kelly already had an idea of who sent the gift but the other girls had no idea.

"So you gon' open it or just smile like a dang fool?" LeToya asked with her hands on her hips. "Girl it's for me, not y'all." I chuckled walking into the living room.

I sat down and carefully tore off the pretty paper. Under the paper was a book but the writing on it caught my attention.

Summer '05

I opened the book and my smile grew. There were pictures of all the dates Chris and I been on. Under each of them had the date and highlights of the date. I smile seeing one with us making a goofy face as we drank from a funky fudge milkshake. I giggled as flipped the page and I saw the picture he took of me when we went skating. He documented all our times together but when I turned the page there was a picture missing.

"Girl you got a note." LaTavia mentioned. I looked at her to see the while envelope in her hand. I took it and opened it seeing his familiar hand writing in black ink.

My Mona Lisa, you have the best and most important piece to add to our memories. Don't forget that I love you and our promise. One day I'll be the man to take away all your pain. Just give it some time.

~ Christopher ;)

I rushed upstairs and into my room rummaging my dresser for the early gift he got me the night before he left. I found it still in its wrapping paper and rushed back downstairs. I ripped it open and fell out were a bracelet and a picture labeled Best Night. I flipped it over and it was a picture of me sleeping on his chest.

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