Chapter 26

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Good morning all! I hope y'all had an amazing night and I just wanna say that this is where the drama really picks up so hold unto your seats.

Chapter 25 – No Good

Beyoncé Knowles | May 25th 2020 | Hamptons, NY

The weekend I've spent in Virginia was wonderful. I was stress free and was able to relax even though at times things were a bit overwhelming but I still managed to get through it with my crown still on my head. I was now home and Blue was currently in school. I'm home waiting on the movers to finally get here with my new bed frame. I finally remodeled a few areas of the house to get rid of Jay and I loved it. I can now breathe and his scent doesn't linger in my nose.

I got up from the couch to head to the kitchen. I retorted my tracks standing in front of a mirror. I analyzed the different love bites Chris had place along my neck and collarbone. He had really left his mark that night and I wouldn't have it any way. From the looks of my bruises, I would see as if we got into a fight but his were minor to mine. I don't know what came over me but he had my body trembling from every touch, kiss, stroke, scratch. I was exhilarating and physically intensifying.

I never had sex like that with no man and that showed me a different side of myself. I found that I loved being handled roughly and aggressively. It does something to me that I never knew I was capable. I never squirted before so that also was an eye opener. I pulled the collar of my shit back up and walked into the kitchen. I was feeling a little hungry so I was going to nibble on some fruits until I can decide on what I want to eat.

I pulled the bowls with different diced and sliced fruits from the fridge and placed them on the counter. I closed the door and turned to the cabinet to reach for a plate but the doorbell rang stopping me from my task. I walked to the door seeing blurry silhouettes behind the glass in the door. I opened it and there was Kelly and Michelle standing with bags in their hands.

"Hey girl!" Kelly beamed then leaned in for a hug. I returned it and gave one to Michelle as she passed through the door as well. "What y'all doing in New York?" I asked them closing the door.

"Well we ain't seen your ass all weekend and we now know why." Michelle gave me a knowing smirk and I self-consciously adjusted the shirt to hide the exposed marks on my skin. "You got some didn't you?" Kelly asked leaning closer to me. I rolled my eyes trying to fight the grin that would soon decorate my face.

"BITCH YOU GOT YOUR SPINE RECONSTRUCTED AND AIN'T CALL US!?" She yelled and I just laughed in response. "I was gonna call but them he ate my pussy in the shower." I shrugged my shoulders resuming to my fruits.

"So you got your pussy sucks and you suddenly lose your senses?" Michelle asked as she stole a kiwi from my plate. I mugged her then covered the bowls back. "He did say he invented head but I now think he invented sex too." I smirked moving back to the fridge.

"But why it look like you got into a fight?" I could hear the confusion in Michelle's voice. "'Cause her ass was running." Kelly snickered and I flicked her off. "In my defense I told him not to fuck me too good and he did it anyway so now I gotta be on his ass. Speaking of let me call him real quick." I left out the room and into the living room where my house phone was mounted.

Christopher Brown | Los Angeles, CA

"One, two, three four, five six, seven, eight!" The choreographer yelled as we did the steps. I was currently in rehearsal doing through the dances for the concert this weekend. For it to be put together on such a short notice everything was coming along great. We were ahead scheduling for the show and that gave us more time to rehears for the Indigoat Tour.

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