Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 – Ruined It


The bouncing on the bed intensified as Chris rubbed his eyes. He heard small giggles and turned over on his back facing the culprits who woke him from his sleep. There jumping was Beyoncé, Blue and Royalty. He shook his head but the smile on his face got bigger.

"I could get used to this." He spoke with a raspy voice. He sat up in bed and the girls jumped down next to him. Beyoncé straddled his lap with the girls laid to the right of him. "Good morning sleeping beauty." She spoke with the contagious smile that was on her face. Before he could answer she leaned down and captured his lips with his. He smiled through it then pulled away.

"You sneaky lil' girl." He teased pulling her down beside him as his hand wrapped around her waist holding her in place. She laid her head on his arms and his other arm had two other heads on top of it. He sighed, feeling a sense of peace. He was no longer stressing about work, no worries about the media, no worries about life in this very moment.

"This feels so good...I could get used to this." He looked at both of his sides. Blue and Royalty were engaged in their own conversation and Beyoncé just wanted to swallow this man whole. She was craving him and it was only a matter of time before she let Sasha out of her cage.

Without having to look at her, he knew she was staring a hole in the side of his head. Her stare gave him the deep feeling in his stomach the first time they even had sex. It was a heated familiar feeling on his body all over again and he wasn't ready to go there with her as yet. He wanted to build a stronger relationship with her before he takes that step. More so, he already had that moment planned out in his head but she didn't know.

"Stop staring." The girls jumped out of the bed and out of the room. He rolled them over where he was now between her legs. He looked down at her, wild curls scattered all over her face with some hanging in her face. He moved the hair out of the way to stare into her hazel eyes.

"Why you gotta be pretty all the time?" He asked her. She batted her lashes at him then said, "Ask Tina." They laughed.

"Now go take a bath 'cause I got a day planned out for us." She pushed him away from her as she got out of the bed. "Where we going!?" He yelled out to her but she was already out of the room.

Beyoncé Knowles | Tappahannock, VA

"C'mon y'all! We don't got all day!" I shouted up the stairs. Chris was still getting ready, Myles was doing God knows what and I was growing annoyed. The girls were dressed and sitting in the car out front along with Julius and Chris' assistant Darren.

Now I'm in here trying to rush these slow pokes so we don't miss our breakfast reservation. I had a day full of activities booked for Chris since he has been much stressed these past few days. He was prepping for his upcoming show and tour. It was the least I could do on my part. I would've loved to drop this pussy on him but he got me following these stupid ass rules. I'm surprised that I allow that to happen. I'm usually very dominant about the things that I wanted so for him to be just as, maybe even more dominant that I am was intimidating.

I sighed finally getting enough of waiting. I walked up the stairs and walked to Myles' room since it was closer. I pushed open his door to see him only dressed in socks and underwear. I shook my head at him.

"Boy if you don't put on them clothes right na' I'm gon' beat your ass." I gritted then smiles. "See you in five." I smiled politely then closed the door. I walked toward the room I was sharing temporarily with Chris and barged in. He was sitting on the bed tying his shoe laces.

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