Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 – Unexpected Closure

Christopher Brown | Tappahannock, VA

It was 10:14 PM and Beyoncé and I were finally home. We spent all day in the studio recording and mixing songs that we forgot we were to even go out tonight but it didn't matter to me. I enjoyed being in the studio with her more than I had imagined. Not only did we record her songs but I recorded a few as well and we even had enough time to write a few more and record them. We had written a song but when we recorded it we realized that the two of us on the track wasn't enough but I had the perfect addition to the song.

We walked to the front door and I unlocked it then pushed the door open and I paused in my actions looking at the mess my family was trying to clean up. I walked in and examined the entire room. TV shattered, windows busted out, my glass trophy case was shattered and my different awards were laid out on the couch that wasn't turned over.

"What the fuck is this!?" My anger was going through the roof looking at this. I walked further into the house and I heard glass breaking underneath my foot. I looked down seeing a picture of RoRo and I and my face was untouched but her face was cut out. I scrunched my face trying to figure out what the hell it meant.

"Somebody better tell me what the fuck happened right now." I turned to see my parents looking nervous. Myles and Darren looked like they were scared for their lives and Manuel sighed putting the broom down.

"Where are the girls?" Beyoncé asked closing the door behind of her. "They're upstairs watching TV." Myles spoke. She looked at me then walked up the stairs. I sighed running a hand over my head then down my face.

"Chris I'm so—" I cut Myles off. "Man fuck being sorry! My house is trashed bro! Look at this shit!" I yelled feeling the frustration getting to me. I kicked the stand that was close to the door over and walked into the kitchen.

I placed my keys and phone down on the counter and sat at the island. I braced my head in my hands trying to calm down. I could care less about the house being trashed I just couldn't get the picture out of my head. That was a clear and definite sign that someone was about to come not only after me but my family and I don't play that shit.

"Chris..." I inhaled deeply then lifted my head to see my dad passing me a bottle of water. I took it and mumbled a thank you. "The girls weren't here when this happened so that's the best thing." I nodded in agreement but I was still pissed.

"This shit is not cool dad! Someone always fucking with me every time!" I exclaimed opening the bottle. "I know son but you can't just go off like that. You gotta be rational dealing with things like this." Once again, I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"What happened?" He sat opposite of me. "Myles said him and Darren were upstairs when they heard glass crashing. Julius and Manuel were handling everything and this was the result." I sipped the water then corked it back.

"So who was the niggas who fucked my place up?" I asked looking at him. I clenched my jaw and relaxed it. "Julius said it was some guys who work for Beyoncé's ex."

"This nigga just don't quit!" I raise my voice and I laughed shortly after. "He can't be that upset that he fucked up! He almost killed his own daughter and now he's coming for mine?" I shook my head getting up from the island.

This nigga had to be losing his shit or he must've smoked a big blunt of cow shit laced with crack. There's no way you're so angry at me for 'ruining' your marriage when it was all your doings. He is officially delusional and I just find it funny how he couldn't take accountability. Your own child doesn't even want to be around you much less talk to you and that doesn't tell you that you fucked up? But yet he's pointing fingers at me like I'm that bad guy. I just can't wait until I see his umpa lumpa looking ass. It was on sight and that's a promise.

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