Chapter 27

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Chapter – Targets

Beyoncé Knowles | May 26th 2020 | Hamptons, NY

I opened my eyes feeling an uneasy presence in my room. I rose from the bed hearing faint chatter from the hallway. I quietly got out of my new California King Bed and tip toes towards the door. I opened it seeing light from the downstairs was on. I scrunched my face in confusion because I knew Julius and I checked all locks around the house.

I walked to Blue's room and pushed her door open. She was still asleep snuggled next to her stuffed animal. I closed it back and walked back into my room. I found my phone on the night stand and checked the time seeing its 2:27 AM. I unlocked it and quickly called Julius.

"What's wrong Boss Lady?" He immediately asked. "Someone is downstairs and I need you here." I spoke looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was behind me. "I'm out back right now." The line went dead and I walked back down the hallway and stood from the top of the stair case to see three men sitting in my living room.

I quietly climbed down the stairs and stopped at the bottom of them. I listened as they spoke to each other.

"I know boss said to be in and out but this place nice as fuck." I raised my eyebrow in confusion. Who the fuck are these people and why the hell are they in my house? I was about to walk from behind the corner but tapping on the glass door behind me got my attention. I looked back seeing Julius standing there in black dress pants and an unbuttoned dress shirt. I quickly rushed to the door and unlocked it. He slid it open and pulled me out with him.

"Look amma need you to go back upstairs with Blue and do not come out until I call you. You got me?" I nodded my head listening to his instructions. I rushed up the stairs as quietly as I could and ran into Blue's room. I locked the door and turned on the lamp that was by her bedside.

"I see you're up." I jumped hearing the deep voice echo throughout the quiet room. I looked behind of me seeing a darker toned man standing in the corner with his hands behind his back.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" I asked him as I moved closer to the side Blue was lying on.

"We got business to discuss." He chuckled and I could feel the darkness in his tone. I was more anxious than I was afraid. I just wanted to make sure my daughter was safe before anything else was to happen.

"As I said before who are you?" I asked him again standing straighter than before. I guess my tone of voice didn't sit well with him because he clenched his jaw and before I could comprehend a gun was pointed in my direction.

"You court date it tomorrow and we need to discuss a few things." He tossed an envelope at the foot of the bed and also a pen. "Sign every last one of those papers or that sweet little baby of yours gets hurt." I shook my head backing away from him. The back of my leg touched the stand and I reached back behind of my for the clay lamp.

"Fuck you." I gritted at him. He aimed the gun towards her and I quickly swung the lamp and broke it into the side of his head. A gun shot sounded off and soon the entire house was a full out war zone.

"ARH YOU BITCH!" He yelled and all I heard following was rumbling and shouting from downstairs. I quickly picked Blue up out of the bed and rushed towards the door. I heard his footsteps following me but I was already out of the door and into my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it then rushed into the closet.

"Mommy what's happening!?" I crying Blue asked me and I ignored her as I closed the door. I rushed to the tall stand where I kept my jewelry and opened the small compartment. I placed Blue down and stooped in front of her.

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