Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 – Confrontation


Soon everyone started to leave out the room leaving Beyoncé, Chris, Kelly, Michelle and Solange. Her parents had left taking Blue with them. Beyoncé was asleep and Chris was having a conversation with Kelly and Michelle while Solange was scrolling through the channel. Solange had skipped FOX News but reverted to the channel after seeing her sister's name in the headline.

"What the hell?" She spoke catching everyone's attention. Beyoncé looked at the TV and chuckled loudly. "Oh that's why you was fighting?" Chris raised his eyebrows looking down at an amused Beyoncé on his chest.

"Hey, she saw it coming." She spoke in her defense.

"Then she came in and started going crazy! She attacked me and I tried to defend myself but she broke my nose then everything went blurry." They all listened as Shawn's side piece got her fifteen minutes of fame.

A before and after picture popped up on the screen and everyone winced loudly. The bloody picture of the woman was so intense, not even Chris could look. "Damn Bey! She won't ever look the same again!" Michelle exclaimed in disbelief.

"Neither will her throat. I punched the fuck outta her." They laughed as the woman was escorted back into the lobby. "It's always the quiet ones. Y'all stay fucking people up." Solange pointed at both Chris and her sister.

"Hey in my defense, one was a complete accident and alcohol was involved. Any other was 'cause people stay trying me." He shrugged his shoulders as he made his point. Beyoncé on the other hand just stared up at the man. He didn't have to look down to know that she way staring. He could feel it in his spirit, her gaze was that strong. He moved his hands up to her eyes and closed them. "Stop staring creep." He mumbled. She laughed turning back to the TV.

"A person on their team said that the couple will not be getting a divorce and will be riding through this storm together." The reporter finalized.

Everyone looked at each other then exploded into a fit of laughter. "Who said that shit!?" Solange said loudly between her laughing. Chris himself was laughing at the false news. "I wonder if they know I already contacted my lawyer." Beyoncé spoke looking away from the flat screen. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to be with him or leave and stay with Chris. But she knew in this moment, Chris is where she wanted to be. It was only a matter of time before she found her way back into Shawn's arms.

"Whew girl! That was well needed!" Michelle exclaimed wiping the tears from their eyes.

They were all cut from the comedic moment by commotion on the other side of the door.

Shawn was trying his best to pass Julius to see his wife but he was not granted entry.

"Fuck you mean!? My wife is in there!" He yelled causing people to at them. "Ms. Knowles said you are prohibited from entry." Julius spoke in a stern but demanding tone. Shawn sighed then shoved Julius out of the way. He quickly regained his balanced and grabbed his former boss by the shirt but he had already pushed through the door.

"The fuck is this!?" He yelled. Everyone watched him with the bandage over his nose and a cast on his right wrist. He had a few bruises and scratches. The sight of him made Beyoncé's skin crawl. Not only did he disgust her, but he made her feel less of a woman now more than ever.

"So y'all ain't gonna say nothing!?" He asked, disbelief laced in his body language and expression. "Wow and you come at me for cheating." He shook his head watching his wife hugged up on another man.

"Yup. And he fucked me way better than you have ever did in your sad, pathetic, shrimp dick having ass life." Beyoncé." She snapped at him. She was gonna say something else but her sister had cut her off.

"I woulda beat your ass again but my sister handled that already." She rolled her eyes looking at the sorry excuse of a man. "Bitch shut—"

"Nigga you can be mad all you want but don't call her no bitch without putting bad in front of it!" Kelly stood up from her seat with her hand on her bulging hip. "Now you can see yourself out." Michelle gave him a sly smirk signaling for him to exit the door.

"Man fuck that! Beyoncé let's go!" Chris looked around trying to figure out who he was yelling at.

"Man fuck that! Beyoncé let's go!" Chris looked around trying to figure out who he was yelling at

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 "Look here bruh, quit while you're ahead. I don't wanna beat you ass more than it already is." Chris spoke in a calming tone that would scare even the toughest man in prison. His tone was dark and held no emotion.

The tension in the room was so thick not even a knife could cut through.

"You can get the fuck out too." He turned his attention away from the bruised man to the woman lying on his chest. "You good baby?" He spoke softly, showing genuine concern. "As long as you're here." She reached up and pecked his lips.

Their kiss intensified as their lips locked and moved against each other. They heard the door slam shut and chucked in the kiss. "Y'all are too damn petty." They laughed. "That's my middle name." Chris joked as they returned to their usual selves.

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