Chapter 33

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I stood at my locker putting my books into it.

"Happy birthday Sarah!" I hear from behind me. I turn around. It was the girl from English. She had light hair and blue eyes. Think her name was Charlie.

"Thanks" i say turning around and quickly putting the last book in. I turn around and se was walking away. Oh well.

Everyone was somewhere else. Like Justin had to help his mum with packing boxes. Taylor had to go see her dad at work. Zoe had to watch her sister. Ryan was working and Chaz had to stay back in class for extra credit. So here I am, all alone in the school hallway, at my locker getting ready to go home to my family.

I walk to my car and unlock it. As i why behind the wheel, I contemplate whether or not to go Starbucks to get something. After my car chokes to life i decide to go there to get something.

No one really got me anything. Only Justin did. Her got me a necklace that had the letter J on it so I would have him always with me. It was so sweet. Flashbacks of him putting it around my neck hit me as I stop at a red light.

But this morning, Max gave me a hand written card. He drew the whole family including Travis. It was so sweet of him.

I get out of the car as walk into Starbucks. I look at the menu. Ooo, the chocolate frappe looks heaps nice. I want that.

I walk up to the counter. "1 chocolate frappe please" I say to the girl.

"Yep, that $3.50 please" the girl says. The girl had brown curly hair and brown eyes. She was heaps pretty.

After a couple of minutes later, it was done and I got back in the car and drove home.

I arrive in my driveway and get my purse and walk up to the door. I put my keys in and turn the nob.

"SURPRISE!!!" I hear scream at me. The lights turn on and I see all my friends and family. Justin, Taylor, Zoe, Ryan, Chaz, Pattie, Niall, Mum, Max, Travis, and even Nialls friends Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry and Rhianna.

I'm speechless. I couldn't speak. Everyone crowded around me. They put a scarf around my neck and put on some glasses that say HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a hat that says the exact same thing. All I could do was smile.

"You did this for me?" I say looking around. All their faces have massive smiles on them.

"Of course!" They yelled out together.

"Aw you guys!" I say. I cant believe they did this for me. A surprise birthday party. I couldn't believe it.

"GROUP HUG!!" Of course that was Taylor. Everyone was squashing together. Luckily before I couldn't breath everyone let go.

Everyone went to get food but Justin stayed with me.

"Happy Birthday Princess" he says putting his arms around my waist.

"Princess huh?" I say putting my arms around his neck. "Are you my prince?"

"Only if you kiss the frog, the prince will come" he says giving me a smirk. He leans in and I can hear my heart beating in my throat. I close my eyes. And I feel his soft lips on mine.

"Um, could you guys like stop?" Says someone from the back. We stop and look in the direction the voice came from. I couldn't believe who I saw. It was...

"Cousin Katie!!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe Katie was here. I haven't seen her since 3 years ago. She moved away to NYU to get some thingo. I never listened when she talked about collage. It made me feel old.

I ran up to her and jumped on her wrapping my legs around her and hugging her.

"Its so good to see you" she says giving me the tightest hug back. I jump down from the hug and stand next to her. "I cant believe you are turning 18!"

"Um?" Someone from behind me says. I forgot they were here still, oops.

"Oh right, here are my friends. This is Taylor, Ryan, Zoe, Niall, Chaz" and so on and so on. "And this is my lovely boyfriend Justin!" I said.

"Nice to meet you!" He says shaking Katie's hands.

"I still cant believe you are here!" I say giving Katie another hug.

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