Chapter 19

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I woke up early as early. I decided to go downstairs and watch a movie and have breakfast.

A soon a it hit 7:00 I got a text from Zoe. It seemed important.

"Aw, can you call me? I will tell you why on the phone."

I automatically called her. I was actually really worried.

"Hey what's up? I got your message."

"Chaz dumped me" those words stunned me. What happened?

"Oh no, that's terrible? Why did he do that?"

"He said that there was someone else"

"What? how is there someone else? I see the way he looks at you Zoe. He really likes you"

"Well not enough to keep a relationship with."

I was devastated. How could he? Who was that other person?

"Okay, well he is a jerk. I will see you at school. Don't cry. Okay?"


I hang up and got ready for school. I went upstairs and had a shower and got dressed into grey skinny jeans, a white see through type top with a crop top underneath. I also wore my sandals.

By this time Mum and Max were up and having breakfast. It was time for me to go so I kissed my mum and said goodbye to Max and I was off.

I was driving when my petrol light came on. There's a petrol station a mile up, I will get some there.
I drove into the petrol station and fill it up. I pay then drove off.

I got to school around about 8:30. I automatically saw everyone but Chaz in a huddle over Zoe telling her she will be fine. I walk over to them.

"Hey baby" Justin says to me as I come over to him. He kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey babe." I hug Zoe. "It's going to be okay. You will get through this."

"Thanks Sarah"

I was sitting on a chair in break wen Chaz comes over to Justin and I. He starts to punch him. What? My hart stopped beating for a couple of seconds.

"Stop, leave him alone." I could feel my voice strain. I stood up as Chaz was throwing punches at Justin. Justin was throwing some back as well. I grab Chaz's arm and his flings it back and hits me in the face. I stay on the ground. Now he started to stop.

"You know what Sarah. I was always there for you. Not this guy. I have known you my whole life and you don't even see me. Im invisible to you Sarah. And I'm sick of it."

"I'm that someone else. I'm the other girl."

"I have been in love with you since I let eyes on you Sarah."

I stood there shocked. I didn't know what to say or do. I got up and walked over to Justin. I examined his face.

There was a bruise under his left eye and there was blood coming from his busted lip.

"You don't go punching people because you like someone Chaz." I retorted. "Go away. Leave. Now!" I was crying now. A year rolled down from my eye. He slowly walked away.

"Don't worry baby. I will be fine." Justin said softly just so I could hear it.

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