Chapter 3

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"BANG, BANG." I hear from the kitchen. Max has 2 saucepans and is banging them together to tell me to get up. As i get up, i put my white, fluffy robe onand walk into my bathroom. Not knowing what i was doing, i turned the shower on and jumped in with my clothes on. As soon as the water hit my face, i was wide awake. 

"Shit! Damn it!" I say figuring out what i just did. Looking at myself with drenched clothes on, i wonder how i could have done it without knowing. I had a proper shower, get dressed and do my hair. Today is my first day back at school and im now a senior. Im so excited but also scared because when i finish this year, its the big world which means full-time jobs, taxs, families and just things like that. I walk downstairs and got out the cereal i always have in the morning. I pour a bowl and put the milk in and start to eat. Over the crunch of my cereal, i hear a familiar song...

"Crunchy, crunchy noodles. Buy these and get special powers. Crunchy, crunchy noodles. Get a toy at the bottom." Every morning Max sits infront of that TV and watches that ad. I think i have watched it every morning for the past 10 years. the ad is so pointless. The ad is a cat trying to get the noodles from some dog. Its so lame. As i finished my cereal, the show was back on and max was back in his room getting ready for school. I made my mum and I a coffee and went up stairs to get things ready for school.

So the morning went really quick. I got ready for school in the matter of 20 mins. When i got to school we had to staright go to roll call to get our name marked off. As we were sitting down, we got our new time table. And first i had English in Green 206. As i walk into English, the teacher, who looked like he was in his early 40s, looked at me like he was suprised that someone showed up. I went to the back of the rows and sat on the right side one from the end. Sir whats-his-name starts to write his name on the board when a pack of people come barging in so loud China could hear them and we live in America. 

"Be quite." Our new teacher yells and goes back to writing his name on the board. Mr Fitsgerald. 

Half an hour into the lesson, which is only one hour, we are writing notes about poetic strategies and we hear a knock on the door. Our principle, Mr Flow walks in with a guy taging behind him. His face was familar. It was that guy from church, Justin Bieber I think it is. Today he wore blck jeans, a demin jacket, white and grey shoes and a brown singlet. He looked smoking. 

"Hello students, this is Justin. He is new here so could you please make him welcome. Thank you." Mr Flow said to us " Please Justin go sit down." He said gesturing to the crowd of students, chairs and tables. justin came and sat in the seat next to me since it was the only spare one left. I was beaming inside. Just before he sat down he looked at me and gave me a smal grin. 

"Hey Walker..."

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