Chapter 37

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My life these past months have been amazing. I actually have a boyfriend, I have a lot of new friends, my grades are up, my mum has a boyfriend and Max has even been telling me about a cute girl he wants to ask out.

Life is going great.

"Babe?" He says as we are laying in his bed for the like 50th time this week. Justin has just moved in across the road from me and I'm so happy. Now I can just walk to his house.

"Yeah?" I say back. I lay my head onto his chest and he plays with my hair. He softly strokes my hair and I can feel myself fall asleep.

"I need to go to the shops to get some things for my mum, want to come?" He asks. I get up and lean on my elbows.

"Sure, we going now?" I say to him. I roll off the bed and go to his bathroom that's in his room. His bathroom is massive. It has a massive bath and a massive shower. Its so nice.

I look at my reflection. I quickly fix my hair and tie it into a messes bun at the top of my hair.

"Yeah if that's okay?" He rolls off the bed as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, all cool!" I say I think just a bit to cheerful that I caught him by surprise.

We got into the car and Justin drive us to the mall. As we arrived, there were a lot of people there. There wasn't a spot left.

"Parking fairy... Parking fairy... Parking fairy" i say under my breath.

"Parking fairy?" Justin questioned.

"Yeah you know. The parking fairy. It helps you find a spot." I say. "See look a spot!" I say in a high pitched voice.

He drove into the spot and parked. "What would I do without you?" He says leaning in and kissing me on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss. It was just a peck.

We walked into the mall hand-in-hand. "What do we have to get?" I asked him as we reached the middle of the mall.

"Um," he flipped out his phone and scrolled through his messages I think. "A few towels and some fragrance."

"Ahh, I see why you wanted me to come. You didn't want to feel awkward paying for some fragrance. Didn't you?" I said mocking him. I could see his face blush and turn red.

"Maybe... Okay fine yes" he says. He had a smile in his face now.

"All good" I say to him and drag him to the fragrance shop 200 metres up.

We walked holding hands and laughing talking at each other's jokes. We were laughing when all of a sudden Justin stops in his tracks.

"What's wrong baby?" He looked like he has seen a ghost. I look at where he was looking. There was a girl that had a really good but bright tan wearing a tank top and really really like really short shorts.

Who is this? Why has Justin stopped in his tracks?

"Justin!" She screams so high pitched I swear she broke my ear drums. We got a few stars but my eyes were transferring from this girl to Justin.

Who is she?

"Chantelle" Justin mumbles.

Chantelle? As in crazy ex Chantelle? What was going on here. Where's the cameras and the people to yell out 'i got ya!'

She was now staring at me and giving me a death stare. I tighten my grip on Justin and I know he knew that I was scared. I slightly and slowly moved in towards him so I felt protected.

"Who's this?" She still had her state on me and I knew I shouldn't but I felt intimidated.

"This is my girlfriend, Sarah!" He said proudly. I felt him loosen up just a tad but I know that he was still shocked.

"Oh well" she said rudely. I could feel my temper about to go off. She didn't even know anything about me and she so rude.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked. I let go of Justin's hand and stepped in front of him. He out his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"Don't do this now babe." he said. I could feel his breath on my ear.

"Oh nothing" she says also heaps rude.

"Let's go Justin." I say to him and turn around. He quickly nods and we walk hand in hand around her.

"What I jerk!" I say I think just a bit too loud as we are a couple of metres away from her.

"Keep it down, she will hear you. You don't understand. She has a like massive big jeans out problem. Its a actually a disorder. And that's why she's rude. You have to keep it down or who know what she will do to you!" He says whispering.

Opps! "Oh" Is all I could say.

"Let's just get these things tomorrow, I want to go home." He says as we are walking.

I agree and we walk out a different way so we don't walk into her again.

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