Chapter 25

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I was standing in front of my locker at school when Justin came up to me.

"Hey babe." He kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey." I get out my science and math book out and put them in my bag and closed the locker door.

We both walk to science together. Hand in hand. Just like the fairy tales.

We were at break when Justin brings up something that I haven't heard in a while actually.

"The family gathering is tomorrow. Are you still wanting to meet the rest of my family?" He smiled and took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Hey!" I say chuckling. He was there just smirking. "Yeah I would love to meet them."

He smiled to me and I smiled back. I titled my head and pointed to my cheek saying that he should kiss me on the cheek. He smirks and leans in. At the lat moment i move my head back to face to face and kiss him on the lips. There was fireworks and butterflies in my stomach.

I was walking to Math when Chaz comes up to me stopping me in my path.

"Hey Sarah. Can I talk to you?" He didn't even wait for an answer. "I'm so sorry for hitting Justin and accidentally hitting you. I was angry and I know that it's too late to tell you my feelings about you. I'm really sorry."

I stood there with a 'i dont care' look. "You know what Chaz. Even though I have known you since we were 3. Been by your side since forever. I at least thought you could return the favour and be happy for me this once. Now please go away I don't want to talk to you."

"Please Sarah. I want my friend-"

"No you have no right to say I'm your friend." I straighten my posture and make my voice sound very bold. "Can you get out of my way. I'm going to be late."

I push past him my shoulder hitting his. I felt my jaw loosen a bit as I walk down the empty hall.

I sit down in class as the teacher write down the date. This is going to be a very long class.

I sat down with Justin in the hammock in the back yard of my house. "Chaz came up to me today and tried to apologise." I said to Justin.

"Did you forgive him?" He didn't seemed surprised. Like he knew he was going to.

"You know when we were younger, he didn't even let my mum tell me to clean my room. He would stick up for me no matter what. But then we were kids. We didn't know what we were doing. I didn't know there were feelings there." I could feel tears roll down my cheek. I quickly wipe them away.

"I know that he was mean and aggressive but you have known him since forever. I think that friendship deserves to be reunited." Justin words hit me like a bullet. He's one of my best guy friends. And he was always there for me.

I put my head onto Justin's shoulder and sat there in silence rocking back and forth in that hammock.

I was laying on my bed when I remembered what Justin said a couple hours ago.

I think that friendship deserves to be reunited. It kept ringing in my mind. Maybe I should forgive him.

I flicked out my phone and went into the contacts. Chaz. I pressed onto it and texted him.

"Hey, its Sarah. I'm sorry what I said earlier today. I just wanted to say that I forgive you and that well, I'm sorry." I pressed send and went to sleep.

Sorry guys, school has started up again so I will probably be updating at different time of the day

Also I will be updating like messages on my wall so if there is something you want to know it should be there

Also, THANK YOU FOR 800 VIEWS. Its great to see how many people are enjoying the book. Thankyou xox

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