Chapter 63

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"I have had my mum by my side since well forever, and well finding out from a person you don't even know, when you already in hospital, that your mum has had a car crash, it's pretty hard."

I step to the side of the block thing.

"My mum is an amazing person and she would have love that you guys have came together to praise her and say your goodbyes. Thanks guys."

I step off the stage and sit back in my seat.

The rest of the day was blurry. But now, I'm in the middle of a massive party with a glass of coke with vodka in it.

I'm jumping up and down as the music pumps and pumps. I spilt my coke onto my jeans.

"Oh shit." I walked to the kitchen and got some paper to clean it up. Then I tip over the whole glass that was on the sink.

"Oh my fucking god" I yell. "This cant get any worse" I mumble this time.

"Here let me help you" I look behind me and there the guy who's having the party. He seems pretty sober.

"I got it." I got more party but he was still pulling it away from me. "I got it."

I grab the paper. i look dead set into his eyes. "I got it"

"Woah, calm down bitch" he puts his arms up in defence. Bitch? He just called me a fucking bitch!

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You go and call me a fucking bitch. You don't even know the meaning of the word. And guess what? Before you go insulting someone, try and find out what they did earlier in the day so you don't piss them off more."

I stomp my foot and slap the paper down.

"Dude, calm down. All I said was bitch. And you even cares if I called you a bitch. Fucking hell you slut." The end part starts to lowed
"Excuse fucking me. Today I just burrowed my fucking mum. You know, the person who gives birth to you so don't fucking call me a fucking slut and bitch or I will cut your throat."

I walk up to him and slap him. I start to walk away.

"Oii!" This girl was now walking up to me. "Don't slap my boyfriend you whore!"

She was now in my face. Wow.

"Oh cant your precious boyfriend fight his own battles?" I asked sarcastically. "Ow, have you came to patch up his cuts and boo boos." I start to chuckle.

I start to walk off. But now she has the grip around my wrist.

"Come back her bitch. You cant speak to me like that" I flung her grip off and smash her in the face.

She tries to grab and pull my hair but she misses and smashes her jaw into my kneel.

"That was your fault" I chuckle and grab her and throw her to the ground.

She quickly gets up and get one into my face.

With all the adrenaline pumping through me I cant feel the pain in my face and knuckles. Or my kneel or hair.

Everyone starts to scatter and it was just me and her, and well now 2 cops pulling us off each other.

That was the moment I knew I was dunfore.

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