Chapter 55

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I sat there as I saw them watch them dance. I was actually kinda getting jealous.

Snap out of it Sarah! Your not the kind of girl who gets jealous over someone dancing with your boyfriend!

I mentally slap myself in the face and bring myself to my senses.

"Hey, Sarah right?" Louis comes over with Jacinda.

"Yeah, Louis, Jacinda?" I ask. They both nod and sit down in the empty seats around me.

"I though you would be dancing with your boyfriend?" Jacinda says.

"Oh, Cailtyn wanted to dance but Chaz isn't the dancing type so Justin said he would dance with her. No biggie." I say. I look over to them and I can see Cailtyn put her hands around his shoulders and dancing.

I look back at Louis and Jacinda. "Are you sure your fine with them dancing? They seem to be getting a bit cosy."

I don't want to look. I don't want to look. I don't want to look. I look over to them and now he has his arms over her shoulders as well.

"Justin wouldn't do anything to hurt me." I say back. But I don't really believe the tales I'm saying.

"Oh well. Come dance with us. You will have more fun on the dance floor then sitting there by yourself." Jacinda says. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor.

Not where Justin is but near it. As I watched Jacinda and Louis dance, putting their hands up in the air and waving them, I cant stop thinking of Justin and Cailtyn.

I shake my head just a bit. I push the thoughts to the back of my mind and I dance.

We danced and danced for about an hour. Now its time for the prom king and queen. I was standing with Justin. No words or touching. Just standing.

"Okay, everyone had a serious amount of votes so it was a close call. Prom queen is..." she paused. And I knew it was for dramatic effect. The drum kicks and she opened the envelope. "Zoe Smith!"

Everyone cheered. I jumped up and down with her as her name was getting called out. She walked onto stage and the tiara was placed on her head.

"And prom king is..." She did it again. Paused for dramatic effect and the drum kicked again. "Niall Horan!"

Everyone cheered and whistled again. They put the crown into his head. And said. "Now for the prom kind and queen dance."

They both went out to the middle of the dance floor as we crowded around them. They put their arms around each tier as the music started to play. They looked like they were meant to be holding each other.

Justin grabbed a held of my hand and pulled me on to the dance floor at the exact same time Taylor and Ryan were coming on.

I held on to Justin as we swayed left and right as we danced very slowly. I looked into his eyes. His big brown eyes. I seriously could actually get lost in them.

And so I did. Next thing I knew the song was over and everyone was on the dance floor.

We stopped dancing and walked to our table without a word.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks.

Yes I am. You were hip swaying with a no body you just met. And you have a girlfriend you know. Which is me by the way not her. You shouldn't be going dancing, that imitate with someone other than you girlfriend.

"No, why?" I struggle to say as the words in my head are pounding. They are everywhere.

"No reason."

"You girls look amazing" I say to the girls. "Your dresses are to die for."

"Please don't die for them" Justin jokes. I smile a bit a do a fake chuckle.

This is going to be one hell of a night.

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