Chapter 8

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Sarah's POV
I woke up at 9:30 to Max playing his Xbox in his room. I laid there for a minute then got my phone and checked my notifications. I got a text from Justin.
[J for Justin and S for Sarah]
J- hey baby, tonight we are going out, just you and me. I have already talked to your mum about it and she said thats alright. Dress nice. I will pick you up at 7.
As I read the message I had a smile on my face.
S- Awesome. Where are we going?
J- Its a secret. ;)
S- Okay fine, see you then.
J- Yep okay bye
I locked my phone and put it on my bed side table. I went downstairs. I walked into the lounge room and i sat next to my mum that was on the computer. I looked over and saw a site called RSVP.
"What you doing there mum?" I asked her pointing to the screen. I was so confused. Mum never went out on a date since Dad died.
"I'm joining this site" she said. She clicked a couple of buttons and then she was on a mans profile.
"This guy is cute!" My mum sounded like a teenager. It was nerve racking.
"Hey, mum. So you talked to Justin about tonight?" I went over to the coffee table to get the TV remote.
"Yes, that boy is very nice as well. When do I get to meet him?" She didn't even look up from the screen.
"Soon" I say back down on the lounge and turned on the TV.
Justin's POV
I called Sarah's mum to arrange the date tonight. And also i asked for her permission for Sarah to be my girlfriend.
[M for Sarah's mother and J for Justin]
J- Hi Ruby, its Justin. I wanted to take out Sarah tonight, is that okay?
M- yes, that's totally fine.
J- also I wanted to have your permission to ask Sarah to be my girlfriend.
M- of course. Sarah has became a better person with you. She is much more happier and she never fights with Max anymore. You have improved her so much.
J- aw thankyou.
M- no worries, well go to go, have to make Max's breakfast. I will see you when you pick Sarah up
J- yeah, you too.
I got up and went downstairs. I saw mum getting breakfast.
"Hey sweetie" she said not looking up. She poured the milk into the cereal and went over to sit at the table.
"I'm going out tonight with Sarah, just wanted to tell you." I went into the kitchen and got a bowl and put the cereal into it.
"Ooo, are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?"
"Mummm!" I said to her.
"What? I really like her. She's good for you." she drank the rest of her milk and got up and put her dishes into the sink.
I smiled to myself. I really cant wait to go on our date.
I got dressed up and jelled my hair. I walked downstairs.
"I'm going, by mum." I kissed my mum on the cheek.
"Okay, wow you look handsome."
"Thanks mum" I walked outside and got into my red range rover. I hop in and start the motor.
10 minutes later
I arrive at Sarah's house and stop the engine.
Sarah's POV
I quickly get ready. I put my phone in my purse and I hear a knock at the door.
"Hey mum, can you please get that?"
I finish brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I walk over to the mirror. Wow. I look amazing. I'm wearing a black dress with black high heals. My make-up is all natural and I look amazing.
I walked downstairs and I see Justin. He's standing there in a black and white suit. He looks so handsome.
"Hey Bieber" I said
"Hey Walker"
I couldn't believe how amazing he looked.
"Shall we go?" His eyes pierced at me.
I went down to the bottom of the stairs.
"We shall." I took his arm and walked out to his red range rover. He opened the door for me. I got in. As he was getting in, I asked "so, where are we going?"
"Its a surprise!"
After 10-15 minutes, we arrived at our destination. It was the Olive Garden. This place was amazing. The food was amazing. You could walk around in the gardens and there's lights in the trees and plants. Its amazing.
We got out and went inside. We walked up to the front desk thing. I'm actually not even sure what it's called.
"I have a booking for 7:20." Justin said to the waiter.
"Name?" The waiter was asking Justin. He didn't even put his head up and looked at us to talk. How rude!
"Bieber" Justin said it so elegantly. Like ballet dancers do spins and splits, they do it so elegantly.
"Come this way." He lead us to the far end i the restaurant. It was right next to a window and the view was, well amazing.
I sat down and so did Justin. The waiter gave us the menus and walked away.
"Wow this is amazing!" I said. I looked around and then something caught my eyes. Justin was staring right into my eyes.
I couldn't stop looking at him. It's like we have a connection like nobody else.
We ordered and had dinner. Next was dessert.
"I ordered us a very special dessert." He had a smirk on his face.
The waiter came over and gave us our dessert. It was fortune cookies.
"Fortune cookies at the Olive Garden?" I was really confused. He just have me this smirk as though very thing is going to be fine.
I cracked it open and there was a note inside.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" The note said.
I couldn't believe it. Was he asking me out? I had a massive smile on my face.
"Yes, yes. I will be your girlfriend."
I ran over to him and sat on his lap. I kissed him so passingly. Then there was the butterflies and the goosebumps I get every time we are together.
I slowly broke the kiss. He looks so happy and I'm so happy. It's just so amazing.
The rest of the night was a blur. I remember some bits like us being in the car on the way to mine. And us walking through the Olive Garden.
"Thank you for everything Justin!" I went over to him and hugged him. His warm embrace was so nice and confident.
"Thank you for saying yes!" He kissed me on the forehead.
"So I guess its official, we are finally together." I said to him. My head was in the crest of his neck.
"Together" he repeated.

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