Chapter 32

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I arrive into Zoe's drive way and walk to the door with the coffee, soy latte and hot chocolate. I knock on the door.

Someone who was short with brown hair opened the door. "Sarah, nice to finally meet you. I hear a lot about you."

"Yes haha I came to watch some movies with Zoe and Taylor if that was fine?" I say putting my foot into the door for balance.

"Yes of course. 3rd door on the right. Have fun." She says. She closed the door behind me and walked off. Okay then.

I walk down to the hallway and go to the room Zoe's mum told me. There they were, on red beanbags one extra, playing the playstation.

"Knock, knock" I say pretending to knock the door. "I came bearing gifts"

They both turn around at me and jump up and run towards me. Zoe quickly pauses the game and rams toward me.

"Yess, the coffee is here." Taylor says. I give her a massive 'how-could-you' look and said "what about me?"

"Oh and you" she says chuckling and taking the soy latte. "Thanks babe"

I just laugh. I look over to Zoe and she has taken her coffee and ran over to her phone and was making lovey dovey eyes at the screen with a massive smile on her face.

"Who are you all lovey dovey eyes with?" I say to her mocking her. "oh kissey kissey"

Taylor and I start making kissing noises and turning around and pretending to have someone put there hands all over us. But really it was out hands.

"You swear you wont tell anyone?"

"We pinky promise" Taylor and I say at the same time.

"Okay, well its.." she pauses for a minutes. "Niall!"

"You mean football Niall. Justin's friend Niall?" Taylor says. Her mouth was open like it was catching flies.

"Mmm-mmm" she says nodding her head. Taylor and I look at each other confused.

"Since when did this happen?" I asked. Zoe's face was all red and she had the biggest smile on her face. "Because I never knew about this?" I say joking around.

"Well," Zoe starts off. "It started when I was a school and he came up to me and saw that I was a bit down so he asked if I wanted to do something. And well I didn't think anything of it. And we had a movie night at my house and we kinda fell asleep. Then the next day we went out. And oh my gosh. Guess what he did?"

"He asked you to prom" Taylor said sarcastically.

"How did you know?" She asked really confused.

"What? I guessed it. I got it right. Woohoo" Taylor says. I had to chuckle. "That's heaps good girl, you guys will make it so far."

"Yeah, congrats. You and Niall would be a great couple!" I say getting up to hug her.

"GROUP HUG!!" Taylor yells out so loud I think China could heard her. We all hug together so tight that I nearly cant breath.

For a couple of hours we watched the Twilight series and fought over who got Jacob and who got Edward. We ended up with Taylor getting Edward, Zoe getting Jasper and I got Jacob.

"So has anyone thought about collage? Like cause I haven't applied yet and I know it like only a couple a months in and stuff but like I still want to be ahead." Taylor says all fussy.

"I want to get my teaching degree thing at NYU. So I might apply soon." I say to the girls. I was being honest. I want to be a teacher so bad.

"Yeah I want to audition for Juilliard. Like and do something with music." Taylor and I look at Zoe confused. I haven't heard about this.

"Is there anything else we need to know before graduation?" Taylor says really stunned. I never knew she was into music.

"Oh nothing else it's just that I'm pregnant." She joked.

"OMG congrats we should throw a baby shower and get you presents." I say all sarcastically.

"And oh who's the baby daddy?" Taylor was a really good actor. She was really into this.

"Oh you know, just Jasper." She says. We burst out laughing.

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