Chapter 47

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As we walked into another store, Zoe and Chelsea found their dresses. Zoe had a gorgeous purple dress and Chelsea had a blue dress which went perfectly with her hair.

I didn't show any of them my dress. Because well it was red. And everyone's was darker colours. And I wanted it to be a surprise.

"Anyone want to go to the food section? I'm so hungry." Rhianna said. We were all holding our dresses and other things.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a frappè" I say to her as I look around to the other girls.

All of them said yes and we started to walk towards the food section.

As we were walking, we were all exchanging conversation and looks. And even Taylor and Chelsea were looking at hot boys asses.

All of a sudden, there they were. The boys were there. We stopped in mid-step. All you see if the boys hide their bags behind their backs as we do the same.

We all giggle. I walk up to Justin.

"You said you had to help your mum with some things?" I say popping one eyebrow up.

"Um... Uh.." Was all he could say. I start to giggle. I look at Zoe and Niall showing each other's they tux or suit and dress. Taylor and Ryan are doing the same. Harry and Chelsea have walked off to a gothic shop type thing. Rhianna and Zayn went with them.

"Well you going to show me your dress?" He asks. I give him a smirk.

"Nope, its a surprise." I say with a bigger smirk on my face.

"Oh, come on. Please. I want to see it." he was now whining. I was now giggling.

"No, and that's the final answer. Okay?" I say to him.

"Okay. I'm hungry, want to get something to eat?" He ask as he motions me towards the food.

"We were actually coming here" we walk towards the McCafè of Maccas.

"I'll get yours, what do you want?" I ask him as we are a couple if metres away from the counter.

"Just a coffee, 2 sugars please." He says to me. I nod. And I step forward.
"Babe, let me take your bag for you." He takes it and in loops it from my hands.

"Thanks." I smile at him and wait in line. I step forward and order. "A coffee with 2 sugars and a chocolate frappe. Medium. Please." I say.

"Okay." I give him the money and the guy who was behind the counter starts to write something on a napkin and just leaves it there with the pen.

I wonder what it is. Mmm. He has my frappe and Justin's coffee. I walk back over to Justin and sit down. I give him his coffee. I look at my frappe. There's a napkin sticky taped onto it. I didn't notice.

This must be the napkin the guy was writing it on. I look at it.

I read "here's my number, ring me sometime and we can get a drink together"

I take it off and crumble it up.

"What's that?" Justin asks. He aw actually curious.

"Oh, just nothing. Some dudes number." I smile at him and get up and put it in the bin. "Don't worry. I'm yours. Not anyone else's."

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