Chapter 50

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I opened my laptop and checked my twitter. I haven't been on there for so long I thought people would of unfollowed me because I haven't even tweeted.

I decide to tweet.

"Prom is tomorrow. So nervous. Who's going to get prom king and queen?"

I send the tweet and it posts on my wall. I look around to find Justin tweeted an hour ago.

"To wake up with her by your side is the best feeling in the world"

I retweeted it and smiled and smiled and smiled down at my laptop.

I quickly open up a new tab and go onto the New York University website.

I look around the website and finally finds the application.
With a few buttons pressed and something typed into the computer, the application slowly comes out of the printer. Nice, smooth and warm.

I walk downstairs again and got an apple. As I bit into it, the door bell rang.

I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Travis.

"Hey Travis, come on in. Mums in the kitchen making something. Don't know what."

"Oh okay, thanks kiddo" he walks in and closes the door behind him.

"I heard that you have your prom in a few days?" He says now wiping his feet on the mat.

"Its tomorrow" i say to him. It's not that I don't like him. I do. He's a great guy to mum but he's not my dad...

"Oh right" he says a bit cut off. "You have your dress and things bought?" He asks.

"Yeah," I bite into the apple another time and walk off slowly.

"Hey Sarah, can I ask you a question?" He asks me. I quickly turn around. Why does he want to talk to me? Why?

"Yeah, what is it?" I say. I walk slowly towards him.

"Well, I was thinking of asking you mother to marry me. And well I want your blessing first" he says.

It cut me. He's going to ask mum to marry him. Like he's going to be my new father. He's going to have to live with us. He's going to eat with us. His washing is going to be in our washing!!! EW!!!

"I know its a big step but I feel as though we are ready for this commitment." He says. He looks into my eyes. "Can I have your blessing?"

"Uh" I say at first. I'm lost for words. What am I supposed to say? Yes? Yah? Sure? Yeah?

"Yeah" I say to him. "Yeah. Definitely"

His face lights up and I can see he is less nervous then before. He is really happy.

I walk off slowly and go to my room.

What just happened?

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