Chapter 35

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I hoped in to my brand new car I got a week ago and drove to Zoe's and Taylor's house to get them because they wanted a ride too.

I drove into Zoe's driveway and waited. She was out in no time.

"Thanks for the ride mate" she says to me hopping in the passengers seat. She buckled in and I drove to Taylor's.

Zoe leaned her feet on top of the bonnet. "Oi!!" I said making her look at me. "No feet on there!!" I gave her a sass look and kept my eyes in the road.

"Yes mum" she says taking her feet down.

We arrived at Taylor's house and waited for her. She took just a tad more time than Zoe. And when I say a tad I mean 20 minutes more!!

I beeped the horn serval times. "Hurry up" I yelled. "We have been here for ages." I say quieter.

Then we see Taylor running out of the house wearing blue skinny jeans, a white tank top and a cover thingy. I never knew what that was called.

"Sorry, mum was lecturing me about taking the bus and stuff. You know I cant even go to Coles before school. How crap!" She gets in the back seat and buckles in. "Let's go."

We drive off to school. As we arrive, there is Justin, Ryan and Niall waiting for us. As the girls get out of the car and run to their boyfriends I stay and get my things.

As I got out I see Justin leaning against his car with a smirk on his face. I close my door and give a gesture towards my car that says 'look at my awesome car'.

He just chuckles and giggles. He walks over and I lock the car. I turn around and there he is a couple i inches away from my face. I peck his lips and dodge his second kiss.

"Morning baby" he says. He grabs my waist and brings me closer. I look into to his eyes and his into mine. I feel as though he is looking into my soul.

"Morning" I say. I slightly push him back so I can go into school. But he keeps his ground.

"Come on Justin. I need to get my books!" I say trying to get out. He ends up putting his arms around me and twisting me around. All I can do it giggle. Lucky I was wearing jeans, what if I was wearing a shirt. What if?

He let's me go and he locks his fingers into mine. And we walk together hand in hand to mine and his locker.

As we reached the locker I put my code in and go out my books.

"You know I'm moving into that house across the road tomorrow" he said leaning against the locker. His muscles showed and I stared at them.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I said closing the locker door. Then the bell rang.

"Shall we go to class?" He says and put out his hand for me to hold it. I grab it and we walk to class together.

As we got into class, we sat at the back and put out our books.

"I was thinking of applying for NYU!" I whispered to him while the teacher was writing things in the board.

"Really?" He says actually surprised. I wondered why. "I will apply there too then"

"You don't have to do that" I say to him writing things down. "You apply for wherever you want."

"I will apply to wherever you are going to be babe!" He kisses my nose and returns back to doing his work. I smiled at him and finished off my work.

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