Chapter 69

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I woke up with the birds chirping and with everyone else up.

I looked at the clock. It was 11:30. I get up and have a quick shower and pick out a good outfit. Floral dress, converse.

It is weird having my room all different now. Like my bed on a different angle and the walls are gonna be different.

I walk downstairs and have some breakfast.

"Morning" Travis says as he starts to get out Sammy's food.

"Morning." I hear a motor bike riding type thing outside. "Mails here."

I walk out side to see Justin getting his mail too. I wave at him an he waves back. I quickly look through all the mail.

"New York University." I say. I quickly open the letter right then and there.

I start to read.

"Dear Sarah Walker,
We will like to inform you that your application into NYU has been accepted. We are pleased to see you next fall."

"Holy crap. Holy crap. Justin! I got in!" I say. I look over to him to see him running over the road. "Holy crap. I got in"

I look at the letter and re-read it again and again. I actually got in. Holy fuck.

"Oh my gosh, Sarah! I'm so happy for you." Justin said as he walked across the road.

"Did you get yours?" I needed to know. "If I got mine then you should have!" I said.

He quickly ran back to his letter box and went though the mail. He starts to look really doubtful. I wonder why. Did he get his letter? What if he didn't?

"I didn't get it." He yelled from across the road.

"Shit" I say under my breath. "Maybe they haven't sent out half of them yet." I try to reassure him.

"Congratulations babe... i mean Sarah." He was now looking down. He ran his hand through his hair.

"I have to go" Justin says as he steps back towards the road. "Bye"

"Bye" he steps off the edge of the path and walks to his house. I stare at the letter I was holding in my hand. I actually got in.

I walk in to my house and walk to the lounge room. Still confused about the letter and what just happened with Justin.

"Hey guys. I have major news." They stopped the movie and now are listening to me.

"I GOT INTO NYU" I say jumping up ad down. Max and Travis jumped up off the couch and came and hugged me.

"Congratulations Sarah!" Travis says as he embraces me with another hug.

"Congrats." Max says as I pick him up and hug him so tight.

"Thankyou. And I know I hve been a pest these past couple of weeks and I want to say I'm sorry." I put down Max and stare directly at Travis. "I'm really sorry I went out parting and drinking. I'm sorry that I had a hungover at mums funeral and I did some crazy things. And I want to say sorry."

"It's okay. You were sad like all of us. People take sadness different ways. And we forgive you." Travis say a he embraces me into another hug with Max. He chuckles a bit then let's go of us. "Want to watch the movie with us?"

"Yeah!" I sat down on the couch with Max and Travis and watched Transformers with them for the rest of the day.

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