Chapter 36

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I woke up to Justin ringing my phone.

"Hey babe" he says in a cheerful tone.

"Hey" I say. I yawn and he sighs.

"I woke you up didn't i?" He says sounding really guilty.

"No no, I was up. Just tired. I will be out to help you guys in like a hour." I say to him with a smile on my face.

"Okay, I love you Sarah. You know that right?" He says to me.

"I know and I love you too" I say to him and hang up.

Yes I get to have a shower!

I have a shower and get dressed into my skinny jeans, white and light orange sweater and my converses.

I ran downstairs jumping the last 2 steps. I walked into the kitchen. I smelt something that was so good that every time I stepped I would breath in trying to smell more and more.

I walk around the corner and see...

"Justin?" I say. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought you would like some breakfast. My princess always has to have her breakfast." At this point he was walking towards me and kissed me on the nose. I giggled and walked over to the food.

"Smells heaps good!" I say. I look at the fry pan and there's eggs and bacon.

5 minutes later he gave me the breakfast and we are in silence.

"I still don't get why you aren't helping your mum put stuff in your new house?" I say washing my dishes.

He puts his dishes in the sink and put his hands on my waist. He slowly rests his head on my shoulder and whispers in my ear. "Because I wanted to see you!"

I felt butterflies and grasshoppers and everything that moves in my stomach. I felt like i was special for once. I felt like I could do or be anything I wanted.

"Now let's go help your mum. I think she might be wondering where you are." I grab his iPhone and click the home button. There was 2 text messages from his mum and a phone call.
"Huh?" I raised one of my eyebrows. He gave in and we went to go help.

"Do you want me to carry this in?" I asked as I held a box that was marked

"Um," Pattie looked around. I'm not sure why. "Yes please. Thanks Hun."

"No worries." I spilled back as I was heading in the new house.

This house was huge. It had about 3 bathrooms and about 6 bedrooms. I know Justin is going to use it for his games. That little dork.

I put the box onto the kitchen bench and was going to go out but instead I went upstairs to see the rest of the house.

I went up the stairs and to the left was Justin listening to music moving around putting his things away in his room. I quickly got my phone out and hid behind the wall. I got the camera app up and recorded Justin.

His little hips were moving to the beat of the song that even I could hear. I stopped the recording and giggled. I decided to walked in.

I scared him so much that he nearly fell on the floor with watery eyes.

I started to laugh. "Nice dancing babe" I say crossing my arms and putting all my weight onto my left foot.

"Thanks baby" he put his arms around me into an embrace. I felt safe, warm. Loved!

"I love you!" I blurt out. I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"I love you too Sarah." He holds me for a few more minutes until we have to keep on unpacking.

After a hour, all the boxes were inside and all out away. The furniture was were it was supposed to be and everything was just right.

"Well, we did that" Pattie says plopping down on the couch next to Justin and I.

"Its looking great Pattie. You should be proud." I say to her. And I mean it.

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