Chapter 49

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I woke up to the smell of him. All I wanted was him.

I look over at Justin and there he was silently asleep. I didn't notice that he was in his boxers last night. It must have been too dark.

I roll out of bed and quickly walked into the bathroom. I fix up my hair, make my face not so puffy and oily.

What am I doing? I'm making myself look pretty like I woke up like it. Since when did I care about that? Since when did I do that?

I brush my teeth and walk out. I walk downstairs and looked in the cupboard. What to eat? What to eat?


I take out the pancake mix and put in the milk. I shake and shake and shake.

"Hey Sarah." Max says as he walks in the kitchen. "You making pancakes? Can I have some?"

I didn't even really want to share. Only for me and Justin. But something made me say yes. I gave him the container and he shook and shook. I pulled out the other one. And did the same.

We put the pancakes in the saucepan and started to cook them. We actually had fun, giggling and having a good conversation.

"Hey" Justin says out of nowhere. He was still in his boxers. And his hair was so messy, it was so cute.

"Hey" I say to him. I walk over to him and hug him.

"What's he doing here?" Max says as he flipped another pancake.

"Oh.." I look at Justin and he looks back. "I had a bad dream last night and he came over to tell me it was alright and lay down with me and we fell asleep." I say truthfully.

I walked over and I put all the pancakes on the table with the syrup and butter.

We ate them all. Then mum decides to walk in.

"Hey guys, and Justin. Your here early." Mum says getting a coffee.

"He was here last night as well." Max quickly says. I slap him on the shoulder and he gives me a 'what was that for' face.

"He was really? What were you two doing?" She now had turned around and had her hands on her hips.

"Oh my gosh, I had a bad dream and he came over to comfort me. Okay. Nothing else." I say. Justin was just sitting there all quiet.

"Okay I believe you." She says. She grabs her coffee and walks out.

I get up an grab the plates. I out them in the sink and grab all the other things but Justin has already got them and are putting them in the fridge.

"You better go home and get dress and stuff. Come over later? I'm doing my collage application." I say to him as I grab his waist. Max has already gone out of the kitchen to the lounge room.

Justin puts one hand on my neck and the other on my face. He slightly leans in and kisses me so softly on the lips I couldn't really feel it.

"Okay" he say and walks out of the house. I quickly run up to my room and have a shower and got on my laptop.

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