Chapter 48

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I walk over to Justin.

"Hey babe." I say to him.

"Why are you talking to me? I'm not your friend. Why are you even calling me babe?" He starts to laugh. What? Why would he say that?

"What I'm your girlfriend why would you say that?" I say to him. It felt like there was a knife that just got stabbed into my heart.

"Why would I be your boyfriend? Your the ugliest thing I have even seen. Go to the dumpster where you belong." He says. Now there's 2 knifes in my heart.

"Ew, why would she be talking to you? Go away you grot." Chantelle says as she walks over to Justin and kisses him on the lips. He puts his hand over her shoulder and whispers something into her ear.

"This chick just wont stop." He whispers to her.

Now there 3 knifes. It keeps piling on and on. Why was he saying this? How could he be so rude? Why?

"Why are you being like this? Why are you being so rude?" I say. "I love you"

"Well I don't love you!!!" He says basically yelling at me.

Now everyone is looking at me. They are all laughing at me. The laughs are now hurting my ears as I walk behind me. I look around. Nearly everyone at the school is around me. All their smiles and laughs keeps making me dizzy and I cant keep my legs straight.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" I wake up with sweat on my forehead and back. I'm panting like I have just ran a marathon. I look at the clock. 2:03. Do you think Justin would be up?

I decide to call him. I dial his number and let the rings dial and dial. On the last dial he picks up.

"Yeah babe?" Opps I woke him up. I thought he would be up seeming as though its Saturday. Well Sunday morning.

"I had a bad dream about you and I just want to hear your voice and see that it was just a dream." I say to him. I cal feel tear prickle at my eyes.

"Oh, it's okay baby. I'm here. I'm always going to be here. Why don't I come over and we can cuddle?" He says. I nod then realise that I'm on the phone and he cant see me.

"Yeah, that would be great." I hang up and lay back down on my bed. Shit I'm going to have to let him in.

I quickly go to the stairs when I feel my phone vibrate from my pocket.

"In coming up the tree next to your window, open the window up." It was Justin. I quickly run to the window and see him run to the half way up. I open it.

"Please don't fall." I say. What if he falls? I don't want him to fall?

He finally makes my window and pulls himself in.

"My mum knows in here. She was still up when I left." He says. I walk over to my bed an lay down. I silently stretch and yawn at the same time.

Justin comes and lays down next to me. We finally fall asleep with me laying on his chest.

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