Chapter 22

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In a few days its New Years Eve. And well. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what Justin is doing.

I grabbed my phone off the bed side table and put it in my back pocket.
I walked downstairs and had some eggs. I loved how mum made the eggs.

"So what are you doing for New Years?" I asked mum. "Anything with Travis?"

I started to make kissey noises and made the shape with my lips.

"Oh shut up you! I cant anyway I have to look after Max. There's no one to look after to him"

"I can look after him. I'm not really doing anything" I said to her. I got up from the table and put my bowl in the sink.

"Oh thanks sweetheart."

"Oh that's okay"

I kissed her on the cheek and said goodbye to her. I hopped into my car and put the keys in. I chucked my phone out and texted Taylor and Zoe.
"Hey girls, after school want to go to Starbucks?"

After 20 mins while I was sitting at a red light I got a text back.

"Yeah sure."
"Awesome" they said.

Half way through Math I got a text from Justin.

"Hey babe. Just thinking of you. I love you x"

My heart started to pound so fast. He is so sweet. I didn't want to get dentition so I quickly put my phone away and went on with my work.

It was lunch and I walked over to the guys hand in hand with Justin. Chaz was no longer sitting with us. I know is mean but we excluded him after he broke up with Zoe for me and punched Justin. But fortunately Justin's bruises and cuts have cleared up and his face is back to being pure gold.

We sat down and ate our food and gossiped. Even the boys got into it.

"You know Mary? Yeah well apparently she did it in the girls bathroom with someone. Who knows who?" Ryan said. He's such a dork.

After school Taylor Zoe and I went to Starbucks. I got a Soy Latte and the girls got Coffee and a hot chocolate. It was so soothing. It was nice finally getting to chill with the girls. But something caught my eye. Zoe been a lot quieter and downer. I don't know what's wrong with her.

"So what's the scoop with you and Justin?" Taylor said. She was making all weird facials to me as I drank my Latte.

"Nothing. Just teenage stuff. Cuddles kisses. All that" I said. I wondered why she would ask. Maybe cause I spend a lot of time with him and not her.

"Have you slept with him yet?" Taylor said. She was so into this. Zoe was there just drinking her hot chocolate.

"Gosh no Taylor. What do you think I am? More importantly who so you think I am?" I said. I was shocked. Why would she ask me that? "And even if I did I wouldn't tell you anything."

I put my attention onto Zoe. "What's wrong Zo?" I asked. She has been down the past couple of weeks. Since her and Chaz broke up. Oh no. She is secretly so upset. She hasn't told anyone.

"I'm fine. I just don't feel well" she said. "I got to go. Mum wants me home. I will see you on Tuesday."

"Why Tuesday?" Taylor asked.
"Monday is a public holiday."
"Oh okay well just remember that we are both here to talk okay?"

I saw a year fall down her cheek. Her eyes were getting red and she was starting to blush.

"Oh babe. Come here" I stood up and rapped my arms around her. She was shaking now.

"What's wrong?" Taylor said getting up too. There were some people staring now but we didn't care.

"Ever since me and Chaz broke up I feel empty and I feel as though I have no one. I don't know why I just do. I really liked him. He meant the world to me and I was just a push over to him." She started to sob really quietly. "And I know it's not your fault Sarah. I would never take it out on you and I know you were thinking that."

She was right. I was thinking that. If only I knew Chaz liked me then I wouldn't of set them up.

"Well show him what he is missing. He is missing out on something that wont last long." Taylor said.

We let go of each other and smiled.

"Let's take you home." I grabbed my phone and slide it in my back pocket and grabbed the cups and brought it up to the counter. There was a guy with the name Zac on his name badge on the other side. I put the cups down.

"Hey. I was just wondering if I could get your number?" I stood there in shock.

"" I quickly walked out of the cafe. My heart was thumping and i was out of breath. I didn't even know why. All I knew that the guy behind the counter is weird.

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