Chapter 17

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Last night was great. We drank eggnog and danced till our feet hurt. We opened presents and gave presents. And what we got was amazing.
I woke up at 11:40 because of the night before. I got our of bed and texted Justin.
"Merry Christmas baby"
I smirked to myself. The thought of Justin made me smile.
I walked downstairs and automatically saw Justin standing in front of the door.
"Merry Christmas to you too"
I ran over to him and hugged him so tightly that I think he couldn't breath.
"What are you doing here?" I said step back a step. "I thought you were going to see your dads family for Christmas?"
"I am..." he said he had a smirk on his face. I was so confused. "With you, come on. Get ready, have a shower, wear something nice and be yourself"
He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me.
"Okay. I'll tell mum."
"Already done."
"Okay" I ran upstairs and had a shower. I got into my floral dress and put my flats on. I put some lipstick on and mascara on.
2 hours later.
We arrived at a house that had a massive door and heaps of windows. It was amazing.
We walked up to the door and knocked. A lady with brown hair opened the door. She straight away hugged Justin.
"Erin!" He seemed to be really happy to see this "Erin". "This is Sarah my girlfriend." he put his arm around my shoulder and I took a step.
"Nice to meet you, I have heard a lot about you. Erin, Jeremy's wife." She put our her had and I shook it.
"Oh, nice to meet you too. What a lovely house you have." I said to her looking around. I actually do like it. Its vintage.
"Thank you, please come in." she opened the door more and we walked in.
We walked into the lounge room of theirs and I saw their Christmas tree. It was colour coded. It was amazing.
I saw two little kids, one a girl and the other a boy. They both had blonde hair and they were playing with cars and barbies.
"These are my siblings, Jaxon and Jasmyn." The both turned around the minute they heard Justin speak.
They immediately hugged him so tight.
We said hello and walked into the kitchen where Jeremy and Erin were cooking.
"Oh Sarah. Nice to see you again." Jeremy said as he was cutting up carrot and putting it in a pan.
"You too." I said. I smiled at Justin and he smiled back. "Do you need any help?"
They straight away refused. "No way. You are the guest. You don't have to do anything. However, Justin can you wash these up please?" Erin said.
"Sure" he kissed me on the forehead and I went and walked into the lounge room.
"Hey kids" I said to Jaxon and Jasmyn.
Jasmyn ran up to me and sat next to me.
"How do you get your eyelashes like that?" She asked. she was so adorable. She was in a pink dress and he eyes were glistening.
"With this." I pulled out the mascara out of my purse and have it to her.
"Can I have some?" Her voice was like an angel.
"Sure" I undid the bottle of mascara and gently did her eye lashes.
Out of the corner I saw Justin leaning against the wall smiling. I looked over to him. After 5 seconds he said "lunch."

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