Chapter 57

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"Hey, in going to get some water. I'll be right back." I say to Charlie as I walk away. I go to kitchen.

I look around. There's shit everywhere. The urge to clean it up was going to eat me alive. But I stood my ground. I'm not going to clean it.

I finally find a cup. It was blue and very pretty. I put some water in it and drank it.

I look at my watch. It's about 12:30. I really want to go home so I'll try and find Justin and talk to him.

I walk to try and find him.

"Hey have you seen Justin?" I ask Ryan as he was dancing with Taylor. They both shake their heads.

I walk around the corner.

My heart broke into a million pieces. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I could feel my jaw drop. I cant even say this.

Chantelle.. I cant finish it. But I have to. Is making out with... I cant believe it. This cant be happening. JUSTIN.
I felt as though I was in pain.

I walked over to Chantelle. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around with a disbelief look on her face.

"No one kisses my boyfriend except me!"

Everything went black.

I woke up with a swollen face, bandage on one of my fingers and a bandage on my right hand and arm. I see a needle going into my left arm and I see air tubes going into my nose.
What happened? Where am I? I cant remember anything. It's like blocked.

I look around and I see I'm at a hospital. There were bags of blood and there were bags of this clear stuff.
And there he was. Justin was sitting there fast asleep. He looked so peaceful when he sleeps.

I must have woken him up from my moving around. He quickly jumped to my side.

"Sarah, your awake. I have been so worried."

"No need to be worried" I said. I looked around again. I could feel my eyes focus more. "Wait why am I in here?"

Then all of a sudden it all rushed back to me. I could picture it in my mind. I felt my heart break again. It hurt. It ached.

I remember me punching Chantelle. I remember pulling her hair and banging her into the wall. Screaming at both of them. I remember getting dragged away from her. I remember getting away from the people who dragged me and kicked Chantelle while she was still down.

"Look babe... I can explain." He obviously said that cause he knew that I remembered.

"How could you? After all we have been through. You said forever. Well this doesn't seem as forever, Justin. I loved you and now you just threw that all away. Not only my love but my trust for you. You have screwed up big time, Justin. And I'm not going to just run after you like I have been doing for the past year. I'm sick of you thinking that you can treat me like shit. And with your ex girlfriend. Really? I never want to see your face again. Never." I could feel a tear roll down my eye. I couldn't believe I just said that.

"Get out, or I will call security." I keep my voice calm and peaceful.

He quietly gets up and walks to the door. Another tear rolls down from my eye.

"I love you Sarah."

And he walks out with silence.

I sob and sob. My heart aches and aches. This feeling as though someone got a shovel and dug out parts of my heart. Like they only wanted to leave parts of my heart to make it more painful.

And I cant bear it.

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