Chapter 58

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I lay in bed as the sun shines through the window. I stare at the window as my eyes goes blank.

"Hey girl!!" Zoe and Taylor walk into my room with a Starbucks cup and it looks like donuts.

I didn't really want to see them. Or anyone for a fact. But you know. They were already here.

"Hey" I say not very loudly.

"We got you donuts. And a hot chocolate!" Taylor says as she puts them on to the side table.

"So when you getting out of here?" Zoe says. It was the second day that I was in this hospital. They didn't say that anything was broken from the fight but in have to have x-rays just in case.

"Um, don't know" I was in a mood and I didn't want to be. But I need to be.

"So how you doing?" Taylor says. She sits on the end of my bed and eats one of the donuts.

"You tell me. I just saw last night my boyfriend cheat on me. And he said he would always love me. BULL FUCKING SHIT!!" I yell.

"And worst part of it is that it was with his fucking werido ex girlfriend of his."

"Oh my gosh Sarah" they say. They both sit on each side of me. I rub my hands over my face.

"Why me?" I mutter over and over again. "Why me?"

I rock back and forth as the girl rubbed back and played with my hair.

"We need to get you out of this stupid hospital bed and start getting more active. Come to the gardens. Your allowed there right?" Zoe says as I stand up of my bed.

"Yeah. I'm not like physically hurt. Well except for my hands and I guess nose." I chuckle a bit then it slowly dies down.

We walk out to the garden and we stand in front of some flowers and they were beautiful.

All these memories of Justin and I with flowers came rushing back to me. I hold my head as it hurts and hurts.

Everything was trying to flood back into my head. No. No. No. I don't need this.

I kneel of the ground still holding my head. I focus on my breathing. In-hale and ex-hale.

Taylor and Zoe come to my side as I slowly try to get up. They both take each elbow and help me up.

"I know this might be hard for you right now but you cant spin out of control" I remember the doctor saying to me. "You have to focus on you physical and mental health. You have to concentrate on not spinning out of control."

As the words repeat in my head, I begin to say them out loud.

"You have to concentrate on not spinning out of control" I repeat.

"What Sarah?" Zoe asks. She has a really confused look on her face and Taylor looks worried.

I forgot that they couldn't hear what was going in my mind.

"That what the doctor said to me. But just then I spun out of control. Even if I have a memory of..." I slow down. I breath in one last time. "Him. I spin out of control."


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