Chapter 34

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The party was still going on after an hour. I got to know Rhianna better and I got to know what Katie did for the last 3 years.

"Okay, so I kinda have a announcement guys so could you quiet down a bit." Justin says over everyone's voices. The room gets quieter and quieter then there's no one talking.

"Um, Sarah could you please come up here?" Um what me, I don't want everyone looking at me. I don't want that much attention.

"Okay so, Sarah. I know we haven't been together for a long time now.." He starts off. What was happening? Is he doing what I'm think he's doing? "But I feel as though I have known you since forever. And I love you. And I just want to make this clear.."

I stand there no movement in my body. All different emotions fled through me. Embarrassment, happiness, pressure, joy.

"Will you go to prom with me?" He says. I see Ryan give him red roses and there's now a bandana behind him saying "Prom?"

I stood there. I couldn't believe he was asking me to prom. I couldn't get the smile off my face. I start to nod my head.

"Yes!" I say. I jump onto him and he spins me around. I press my lips against his and I know that this relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He gave me the flowers.

"Yes!" I repeat quietly. I can hear everyone around us cheering and clapping. I look around. Very one had a smile on their face. Except one. Chaz.

I felt bad for him. I know he was trying to smile but I guess he was hurt. I walk over to him.

"I'm sorry." I say to him and give him a tight hug.

"It okay. It's not your fault. I knew that he was going to ask you to Prom. I actually helped him with the flowers. Because I remember when we were younger, you said 'when someone asks me to prom I want them to give me red roses'" I had to laugh.

"You remember that?" I asked. I had a smile on my face.

"Yep!" His eyes were beaming at me. He had a smile on his face

"Let's go dance!" I hear someone yell in the back of the room. Someone starts the music and we all start dancing. I walk over to Justin. I put my arms around his neck and he softly puts his arms on my hips.

"And this is for you." He says putting something on my head. It was a tiara.

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"Your my princess" he says lightly kissing my nose. I wriggled my nose after lips left my nose.

"And your my prince" I say with a smirk. I lay my head into the crest of Justin's neck. It was warm and soft. We move to the beat of the song.

"Sarah!!" My mum yells out. "Sarah!!"

What was happening? What happened? Did someone get hurt? What was she yelling for?

I look around to see my mum running to me.

"What? What is it?" I say very concerned.

She smiles. "Nothing. I got a present for you i just couldn't find you. Come on. Close you eyes." She says. Justin grabs my shoulders and guides me to a different part of the house. I can smell the oil. We must be near the garage.

"Open!" She says. As I open my eyes I see everyone behind me and mum in front of me. She was holding a white shoe box. I look at her confused. What was happening?

She hands me the box and I just look at it. I grab a corner and then open it.

Socks! Why socks?

"Socks?" I asked mum.

"Look in the socks." She had a massive grin on her face.

I grab the socks out of the box and give the box to Max. He likes to play and create stuff out of the boxes.

I feel something metal and hard in there. And when I move it around they clang together. I dig my hand in and grab the metal thing out.

"Keys?" I asked mum. On the keys there was car button thing. I look up at her. Was this happening?

"Happy Birthday Sarah!" She says kicking open the door. Inside the garage is a blue range rover. It was amazing.

"What?" Is all I could get out. I run up to it. I look inside of it. It was amazing. I get behind the wheel and put my hand on the wheel. I feel the leather. It is amazing.

I get up and run to my mum. I jump on her and hug her so tightly. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I say over and over and over again. I had a massive smile on my face.

This is the car I have always wanted.

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