Chapter 10

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I asked Pattie if I could stay the night considering my mum is going on a date. She said it was fine and that she has some spare blankets and pillows if I needed them.
Justin and I were laying in bed that night. My head was in the crest of his neck and I closed my eyes. I felt the warmth of him.
I felt his hand slowly move from my hip to my thigh. I felt chills running down my spine. His hand slowly moved from my thigh to under my shorts.
I rolled over to face him.
"I don't want to go to fast" my voice was small and squeaky like a mouse.
"Okay" he didn't sound disappointed but he sounded like he was pleased that I talked up.
We layed there on his bed just thinking. I eventually fell asleep at 10 o'clock.
I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I looked at the clock. It was 6.30. I quietly got up so I didn't wake up Justin.
I got a notebook out of my bag and a pen. I ripped a piece of paper out. And I wrote...
"Dear Justin.
Thank you for a lovely night and day. Sorry I could be there when you wake up but I have to get ready for school.
Lots of love xx"
I put the note of his bed side table next to his phone. I kissed him on his forehead and gathered my stuff to go.
I walked downstairs.
"Good morning beautiful" Pattie said. "Leaving so soon"
"Yeah, sorry. I got to get ready for school."
"Oh that's okay, have fun!"
"You too" I said as I walked outside to my car.
I sat there during history when the principle came in. There was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes following him. She was wearing a soz not soz t-shirt on with skinny jeans. She was very flashy.
"Morning children. We have a new lady from Coella High. Her name is Zoe. She will need someone to show her around and to teach her the ropes. Any takers?"
I straight away put my hand up. I'm not even sure why. She looked like she needed a good friend and these others aren't the good "best friend" type. They will either turn you into a emo/goth or a stuck up bitch.
"Oh, thank you Miss Walker." I smiled back.
The rest of the lesson, I was trying to figure her out. Her hair was always in the right position and she always had the notes down.
After class, it was break. I walked let to Zoe.
"Hi, I'm Sarah. Welcome to Bakersfield!"
"Oh thanks." I put my hand out for her to shake and she did. It was actually really firm.
"Well, do you want me to show around the school and some of my friends?"
"Sure" she quickly packed up her stuff and put it in her bag that she had.
I showed around the school and then now its time to show her my friends.
I walked over to them as I saw Taylor sitting in Ryan's lap and Chaz and Justin just chatting.
"Hey guys, this is Zoe. She is new and we are going to help her learn the ropes around here!" I was very cheerful.
"So this is Taylor, Ryan, Chaz, and Justin. My boyfriend." I pointed to were single one of them. Justin had a smirk on his face.
We sat and we talked about the craziest thing ever. She already for into our group.
Oh my gosh, I have a brilliant idea. Set Zoe up with Chaz. Taylor and Ryan are going out. Justin and i are going out. Also there is only Chaz left.
It's going to be perfect.

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