Chapter 56

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"Hey, can we stop into my house on the way home. I need to get changed out of this dress." I say to Harry who payed for the limo.

"Yeah sure." He says.

"You can just drop me off and I'll get to the party by myself. Thanks." I say.

I walk away to Justin who is talking to Jacinda. Maybe. Or Cailtyn. I cant figure out which one is which yet.
Louis was there as well. So it must have been Jacinda.

"We are getting into the limo now." I say to them as they stop talking as I approach.

"Okay," they say.

We walk to the limo and get in. I was the first one to get dropped off. Justin got off as well to get changed.

I got inside and changed my clothes into a pair of jeans, my t-shirt that says over my dead body, and just my vans. I put my hair into a pony and wiped off my make-up and quickly put natural on.

I walk outside to see Justin walking out as well. I wait for him. He walks over and smiles.

"In mine or yours?" He says.

"Mine." We hop in and drive to the party.

The party was at a old frat house they used to use but got shut down because there wasn't enough people to be in there.

We arrive and I see everyone there. Music was blaring. Everyone was jumping up and down. They have all changed into something different and have red cups full of beer in their hands.

Justin walks off with the boys as I stay with the girls. I smile at them all and they give me a cup of beer.

"Oh no, I'm driving. I'm not having any. But thanks." I give the cup back to Rhianna and walk off to the bathroom.

I walk up the stairs and there was multiple doors. They should have at least labeled where the bathroom is.

I walk down to the end of the hallway. I contemplate which one I should open. The left or the right.

I decide with the left. Bad choice!

As I open the doors I see a girl and a guy having sex.

"Shit sorry" I quickly close the door. I shake my head trying to get the vision out of my head.

Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck!!

I lean against the wall and slide down.

I don't really want to be here. I could be reading in my room, with hot chocolate and marshmallows on the top. Why do I have to actually come here its not like Justin will be around?

"Hey you okay?" A guy says as he give me his hand and helps me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't really come to these things that often." He smiles at me.

"Yeah, well. If you need someone to hand with, I'll be downstairs if you need me." He walks off into the room that I just came out of.

"Oh, dont" he walks in and immediately walks back out.

"Yep, noted. Don't go in there." He walks off shaking his head and basically shaking.

I giggle a bit and walk off down stairs aswell.

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