Chapter 30

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Zoe's POV

I have nothing to wear! I thought to myself.

After what feel like hours I just picked out simple denim skinny jeans, a navy blue double breasted wide lapel wool coat, plain brown boots with a cute bow tie laces.

I put my eyeliner on making a slight wing to it then putting on my natural lip gloss and grapping some bracelets.

I put my hair down in there natural waves and walk out of my bedroom not forgetting my sunnies.

I go down stairs to meet Niall who is at the front door on his phone playing flappy bird... well tempting to play.

He finally noticed me and but his phone in his pocket and held his arm out like his trying to be prince charming.

"Ready m'lady?" he asks trying not to laugh.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I smile and walk out of the house into his black BMW.

I hope in after he opened the door for me.

I wonder why he's acting so weird and nervous but I kinda like it. I think its cute how he's not actually being a dick like normal boy's do. Hes different and I like that.

"So where are we going Horan?" I smirked looking at him

"It's a secret" He wispers so that I could just hearit, I wonder what he's up to..

About 30 where at the top of a cliff and its sunset.

I look over at Niall confused about why where here but he just pulls me along until we stop near a path that goes into a whole heap of tree's.

"uhh Niall please don't tell me that your going to rape me or kill me?" I half joke but he doesn't reply just tells me to go ahead.

I nod slowly and stared to walk into the bushes but once im almost out of the clearing I turn around to see Niall gone.

"Niall!!" I yell getting a bit scared since its almost sundown but continue the path.

"Niall, Your scaring me where are you?!?!" I scream this time getting scared even more as I slowly walk but as I was about to give up I hear a guitar playing sweet sweet music, so being me I follow.

I see Niall on a picnic blanket with a candle above the city playing guiar and looking into my eyes.

"About time you showed up" he says chuckling but turn into seriousness and asks me to sit down. I nod but as I was sitting down he stops and looks at me for a reaction but I just look at him still a bit confused.

"You don't have to say anything but just listen to these words, ok" he ask's shy yet serious.

I nod smiling as he begins to play The Fray, You Found Me

"I Found God. On the corner of first and amistad, where the west was all but one, all alone smoking his last cigarette, I said, "where you been ?", she said ask anything"

During the song I knew he was singing about me and and start to tear up.

"Why'd you had to wait, to find me, to find me...."

At the end of the song I was full out crying and leaned in to hug him and tell him that I loved it but he pulls away and stands up.

" Come with me" he say's I look up at him but follow once again.

He climbs down a rock and tell me to jump in his arms which I did but slipped I squealed but landed into soft arm but also rough from his muscles.

I thanked him and stood up on my feet and asked him what we were doing but he just shook his head and chuckled at my confused self I pouted but he kept walking.

I was looking at the stars until I bummed into him muttering a "sorry" and he just stared at me looking into my eyes I got lost in them.

He started to lean in but I stayed still to make sure our lips where brushing me until he whispered "kiss me?"

I was shocked for a millisecond but I didn't protest. I put my hands on his face looking in his eyes then his lips they where so pink and full of life.

I finally put my lips againsed his and kissed him passionetly they were so soft and warm unlike Chaz's that were cold and chappy.

I pushed him out of my mind and focused on Niall and how he is so gentle with me.

He wiped his tounge again my bottom lip to try to gain access but I refused while smirking. He frowned from annoyance and I giggled but he pulled away making me wimper from loss of warmth.

"I want to ask you something important ok?" He asked nervously

"Ok go right ahead"

"willyougotopromwithme?" he spoke a bit to quickly for me to catch on

"Speak slowly" I told him smiling

"Will you- well you don't have to- not with me atleast-Will You Go To Prom With Me !!?? "

I was shocked but happy at the same but but instead of an answer I kissed him quickly with tears in my eyes and held my hand on his face and said...


Authors note.

Hey guys this chapter was also written by my friend Zoe.

Please follow her on twitter- zoeanne101

And on here- Gigglepot101

Thanks guys ❤️

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