Chapter 5

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I start to line up in the food court we have at school. All we have for lunch is potato gems, chicken and caesar salad. Caesar salad is my favourite. I go up and get a medium plate of caesar salad and go sit down with Taylor. All of a sudden you hear a massive loud noise coming from behind. I turn around and there Ryan and Chaz are stuffing their face with food. This happens every day but today they are videotaping.

“Hey, why you videotaping this time?” I ask and put food in my mouth.

“We want to make a video of what happens at school in a normal teenager’s life.” Ryan says in between each breath. Of course Chaz wouldn’t talk because he loves eating and well winning.

“Then why are you doing you guys?” I start to chuckle. They didn’t say anything back because they didn’t care so we just ate and talked.

10 minutes through lunch Justin walked over.

“Hey Walker, may I sit?” he was gesturing to the table.

“Hey Bieber.” I give him a smirk “Sure”

I look over to Taylor to see if she was okay with it but she was busy watching her boyfriend stuff potato gems down his throat. Well he isn’t really her boyfriend yet. They are just friends that like each other and act as though they are in a relationship. They call it tuning these days. I turn back to Justin and start eating. He gives me a smile and I give it back in return.

After about 2o minutes later, the bell went for us to go to our classes.

“What do you have now Bieber?” I ask as we get up from the table and go put our rubbish in the bin.

“Science at Green204, what about you?” he asks.

“Same, wow maybe we do have more subjects together.” I say chuckling.

“I shall walk us to class Miss Sarah Walker.” He says trying to be all posh.

“You’re such a dork.” I say to him. It feels like I have known him for forever but I don’t know anything about him. “So tell me Bieber, tell me something about you.” I say feeling really weird to ask but trying now to show it.

“Well.” He starts off.  I thought he wouldn’t tell me but now he is. “My mother had me when she was 18. She had to raise me on her own because of my father leaving me and my mother when I was only 8 months old. I didn’t get that much when I was growing up. Now my father has another wife with 2 kids called Jaxon and Jasmyn. That’s why I went down to my fathers in the holidays, to see my brother and sister.” He said looking down. I grabbed his hand and locked in fingers with him.

“It’s okay.” I say “I’m the same, see my father died in a car accident when I was only 8. My mother went out on a date or never went to have a girl’s night out. That’s why I go to church you see, because my mum turned to god to try to help her get through the hard time.”

He looks at our hands then smiles at me. “Thanks for understanding.” He says to me. We are now at the door to science. We unlock our hands and walk into science. 

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