Chapter 40

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I knock on the door and Pattie answers.

"You know, you don't have to knock anymore." She says as she opening the door. "Justin's in the gaming room." She opens the door more and I come inside.

"I'm actually here to talk to you. See we are having a party for Justin at the Basement and I'm telling you because one, to make sure he doesn't find out and two, your invited so just thought I would let you know." I say. By this time we have ended up in the kitchen and she already has the kettle going.

"Oh cool, I'll help set up if that's okay?" She says before taking a sip of her tea.

"Yeah that fine." I hear thuds coming down the stairs. Justin!

"Quick, get the cook book out, now!" I say to her. She quickly opens it up to a random page and pretends to talk about how to cook it. I think it was apple custard pie.

Justin walks in the door of the kitchen and stares at me confused. I smile at him and turn back to Pattie.

"Hey, I didn't know you were here." He says as he comes over to me and kisses me on the forehead. I smile lightly and turn back my attention to Pattie. "You giving her recipes ma?"

"Yeah, just showin her how to make some of my favourite desserts that I have made before" she hesitated.

"You have never cooked... Apple Custard Pie before?" He says all confused.

"When you were little." She quickly picks up the book and puts it back on top of the microwave.

"Well, while I'm here want to go watch some movies?" I say changing the subject. I look up to Justin and wait for his answer.

"Yeah sure." He grabs my hand and pulls me up stairs. Before I get out of the kitchen i wave at Pattie and she smiles back and I leave the room.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks and I thought about it. What to watch.

"You can pick seemingly as I don't know what you have." I say. We were now in a room that had a massive TV in it and a couple of chairs. It was like a theatre.

There was a bar type thing at the side of the room where it had a freezer for ice cream and a fridge for drinks and things. It had lollies and chips and chocolate. I was actually craving chocolate.

I went over to the bar and got some chocolate and a can of coke. I sat down on a chair to realise that Justin was gone. Where did he go?

The movie started to play on the screen so I took the time while waiting for him to watch the intro. 30 seconds later he walked through the door with popcorn i do not know how and say down next to me.

"What are we watching?" I asked him and pulled up the arm rest. I laid my head on his shoulder and opened the chocolate.

"Fast and Furious" he said to me. His eyes lit up when he said it that I knew it was one of his favourite.

I gave him some chocolate and we laid there watching the movie.

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