Chapter 42

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I bring out my phone and text Chaz and Ryan.

Ryan- "have you got the place?" I sent the text and went to send one to Chaz.

Chaz- "have you got the invites yet and got the food?"

I put my phone down. Its two days till Justin's birthday and I don't even know what I'm getting him. I decide to go to the mall.

I hop in my car and drive to the mall but also dropping into Starbucks to get a coffee.

I park my car and walk inside. I walk around for about 10 minutes. But then I see something in the window of a shop. It is amazing. The way the light shines on it, I want it. And I want it now. I feel like that chick out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I walk into the music shop and go to the worker.

"Can I please have a look at that guitar in the window please?" I say to him and he straight away gets it.

I put my fingers around its neck and sit in on my leg as I sit on a chair. I play some familiar chords. It is perfect.

"I'll get it." I look at the price tag. $200. It's okay. It's not that bad.

I turn around and see a familiar face. Someone that I know. Someone I should be afraid of. It's her! Its Chantelle. Why is she here? Why is she always here near me?

My heart starts to beat fast and I cant breath. Why am I so scared? Why? I can see we walk over near me. Oh no. No. No. She cant see...

"Ew, it's you." She says as she steps in front of me with her arms crossed and trying to look big. She was wearing a tight purple skirt with a single and a massive coat over it. It looked hideous.

"Ew, it's you." I say mocking her. I give the guy the money and stare back at her. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be somewhere dancing on a pole?"

I turned back around to the guy behind the counter and get my receipt and the guitar. I could see her that she was hurt. I turned back around to her and smirked.

"Justin will be mine." She says slowly walking towards me. My pulse was getting faster and faster like a cheetah running for its prey. "And when he sees how worthless you are, he will be running back to me."

"That's funny, seeming as though he's running away from you." I say to her with a smirk. "Bye"

I walk away from her before she can retort back. She's such a bitch. "Justin will be mine" "he will come running back to me". Hahaha you wish. I go and take the guitar and put it in the boot of my car and drive home to hide it.

As I get home I get a text from Chaz.

"Yeah, everything is done. Just need times for the invites. My friend will be helping out as well." Aww I swear his friend is a girl.

I look in my messages and see that I got a text from Ryan also.

"All booked in. Ready to go. 5:00 to 11:30." He messaged me.

I quickly texted Chaz the times and started to rap Justin's present.

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