Chapter 15

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I woke up at 10:30. I felt different. I felt happy. I felt as though I was invincible. I didn't know why but I was in a great mood.
I decided to go downstairs and have breakfast. So I walked downstairs with a smile on my face. Moving my hips to every step I take. Bobbing up and down.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Max sittin on the bench.
"Hello Max. How are you today?" I said to him. I patted his head and walked over to the cupboard. "How's school?"
Automatically he looks up and seems confused. "Are you feeling okay?"
I looked at him for a slight second and turned around. "Never better."
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I haven't gotten anything for Justin yet.
I went for a shower and I went and got dressed. Then I got a text from someone. It was from Zoe. I looked at the text.
"Hey Sarah, guess what its offical, me and Chaz are going out. Thank you so much for introducing us. I wouldn't be able to do it without you. Love you xx"
Aw, they are together. That's heaps good. I decided to text back.
"Aw, congrats. All I did was introduce, you guys have the chemistry. Love you too xx" I sent back.
I put my phone in my back pocket of my blue jeans and put on my cardigan. I walked down stairs.
"Hey mum, I'm going to the mall. I will be back by 2. Love you" I walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek.
"Have fun" she said as I was walking out the door.
I got into my car and drove to the mall.
I parked my car and walked in.
I decided to go to the perfume shop before anything.
I walked in and looked around.
20 minutes later, I got him a clone called ever night. It smelt so nice.
I walked over to the food court and was going to grab something to eat when I bumped into someone.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I said and I looked up. "Niall?"
"Oh hey, what are you doing here?"
"Getting presents for Justin. What about you?" I asked.
"Last minute Christmas shopping." He chuckled a bit.
I saw that there was 4 more guys with him. He saw that I was looking at them.
"These are my friends. Liam. Zayn. Harry. And Louis." He gestured to each of them.
"Hi, Sarah." I gave them a smile and shook their hands.
"Hey, have you seen Rhianna? I think we lost her." Zayn said looking around.
"Nope, let's go find her."
"Do you need help? I'm not doing anything." I have them a smile, again.
"Yeah sure, that would help heaps." Zayn said.
We looked around. We looked into Kmart and all the jewellery shops. But nothing. We couldn't find her.
I wasn't really sure who I was looking for. But I looked anyway.
We looked into Victoria Secret and that must of been her since Zayn ran up to her and hugged her.
She had short blonde hair and she was wearing black jeans and a ACDC shirt.
She walked over to me and the other boys.
"Hi, I'm Rhianna. Zayns girlfriend." She put her hand out. I shook it.
"Sarah." I smiled at her. "Well, I better go, got to get home and rap the presents. Bye guys, nice meeting you."
I walked away and went to the food court because well, I was starving.
After that I went home and rapped the presents.

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