Chapter 4

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I turned around and he had a massive smile on his face. All I could do was chuckle. Smiling to myself like an idoit.

All lesson I couldn't think straight. I was always thinking about Justin. The bell went and Mr Fitzgerald told us not to move.

"You will have to complete this homework by next week or you will get detention for both breaks. Got it?" He said. What? Homework on the first day. This is crap. "Now you may go."

We all got up and rushed out the classroom for our next period. I was about to walk to math when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and I find his eyes.

"Hey could you help me to Red302 please. I'm a bit stuck on where everything is." He says. His voice is like an angel. He now has a smirk on his face,

"Sure. Come on!" I say as I lead him to the right direction. We had been walking for about 5 mins in dead silence until he broke it.

"How have you been Walker, Sarah Walker?" He says looking at me.

"I have been pretty good. And what about you Bieber?" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Pretty good too. I went down to my dad's house in the holidays. That's why I wasn't at church you see, I bet you were looking for me though huh?" he started to giggle.

"You wish!" I say back. I wasn't going to admit to him that I was thinking about him all summer. That's crazy.

It went silent for a bit again until I broke it and stoped walking.

"Here it is. Red302." I say gesturing to the door. Instead of going in, Justin stood there smiling at me.

"What now?" I ask. I wasn't in the mood to play games. Of course I wanted to date him but I hardly knew anything about him. He could be a murderer. Nah, he is way too pretty to be a murderer,

Justin waves his hand across my face, waking me up out of my day dream.

"So yeah or nah?" he says.

"Um, sorry I wasn't listening. Say again." I say, really embarrassed.

"Would you like to come over to my house tomorrow afternoon to do our homework?" He asked so nice and politely that I couldn't refuse.

"Yeah, I would like that. Here is number and you can text me what time tomorrow." I say with a smile. I quickly wrote down my number on a small piece of paper and gave it to him.

I walked away to go to math. I was just walking over the fountain area when someone covered my eyes from behind. I didn't know who it was. Then I heard him laugh. Ryan.

"Hey Ryan. How are you there trying to pretend you are someone else?" I say noting the sarcasm.

"Ha Ha. How are you?" he says taking his hands off my eyes. I spin around.

"I'm good. Sorry but I have to go. I'm already late because i had to show the new guy around so I don't want to be later." Before I could say bye he kept of asking questions about Justin.

"What new guy? Is he nice? Maybe Chaz and I could meet him? Omg yes that would be so cool." He kept on asking me questions about Justin and he wouldn't even take a breath.

"Hey, his name is Justin Bieber, you can meet him and Chaz can come too. I will introduce you two to him okay?" I say giving him this stare to see if he will calm down. He eventually did.

"Okay" he says. I walk off to Math.

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