Chapter 38

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"Hey babe, how are you?" Justin says to me through the phone.

"I'm good, just thinking, your birthday is in a few days. Are you excited?" I say.

"Not really. Like it's not that big"

"What? It's your 18th birthday. How is that not that big?" I say shocked. Why would he say that his 18th birthday isn't big.

"It just doesn't feel big okay? Come over to my house today. I want to see you." He whined.

"Okay." I say and hang up. And walk over to the mirror. I try to fix my hair but I just wouldn't work. I sprayer some dry shampoo on my hair and brushed it and out it up in a messy bun.

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out a cucumber, lettuce, cheese, carrot and the dressing from the side.

I closed the door and put them onto the bench. I grabbed a container from the bottom draw and started it with lettuce. I sliced up everything and started to put the carrot in. Then the cucumber and last the cheese. I poured some dressing onto it and put the lid onto it.

I put all the stuff away and walked over to Justin's with the salad. I knocked on the door.

Pattie answered it. "Hey Sarah. Please come in." She says as she moves to the left towards the door for me to come in. I step inside. "Justin's in the gaming room. And I see you brought some salad. Do you want me to get some plates and knifes and forks?" She says closing the door.

"Oh, I'll get some forks. You don't have to get them."

"Oh okay. Well he's upstairs so I will leave you" she chuckles a bit and walks of to a different part of the house.

I walk off to the kitchen and get 2 forks. I look around and see a calendar that has Justin's birthday marked on it. I walk over to it and I count the days we have until his birthday.

One...two... 2 days till his birthday. I can do something. I will have to message Ryan and Chaz to do something. I quickly flick out my phone and text Ryan and Chaz in a group conversation.

"Guys. Its 3 days till Justin's birthday, I think we should do something for him. Brainstorm some ideas and I will too and we will get together and pick which one. Meet me at Starbucks at 1 and we will pick then." I send the text and run upstairs to Justin.

"Hey babe." I say to him. He turns around and stops his game.

"You brought some food. Good!" He comes over to me and grabs the container. "Salad?" He asks.

"I didn't get to eat breakfast okay?" I grab the container and walk over to the chair and table and open it. I grab a fork and start to eat it. Justin comes over and eats some with me.

"I need to leave at 12:30 to meet up with Ryan and Chaz. I will come back afterwards maybe." I say in between putting food in my mouth and eating it.

"Yeah that's cool. I will be waiting." He gives me a smirk and puts some cheese in his mouth.

"I said maybe. Don't get your hopes up" I say and push his shoulder a bit.

"I love you" he says to me.

"I love you too" I kiss him on the nose and go back to eating my salad.

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