Chapter 62

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I stumble through the front yard of my house. I end up at the door. How I got here I don't know but lucky I did.

I gush open the door and agains stumble up to my room. I pass out on my bed.

"Sarah!!!" "Sarah!!" I hear as I get pushed around like I'm in a waging machine.

I flutter my eyes open. "What?" I groan. I cover my face with the blanket but it automatically comes off. I look over at the clock. It was only 9:00. Seriously they could of woken me up later.

"Get up. Today is the funeral. Get up and get your clothes on." I hear Travis say then bang the door shut.

I can feel my head pump and pump. I could feel my eye lids as heavy as. What's happening? Oh right, hung over.

I hop into the shower and just sit there. I think and think. When's the next party? Hope I don't see Justin again? I want to try some weed?

I hop out and get changed. I get changed into a black dress. I look into the mirror. Fuck. I have bags under my eyes.

I try to cover it up with foundation but it kinda didn't work.

"Guess I just have to wear glasses then" I mutter. I go over to the table and grab the sunnies. Perfect.

I grab my phone and walk down stairs.

Travis drives Max and I to the funeral. We get out of the car.

We walk through the cemetery. Cemetery's always scare me. They are so weird and creapy.

I am now surrounded by all those people I don't even know. But I guess my mum knows them.

We take a seats and my grandfather gets up on stage.

"My daughter was a lovely young little princess who didn't take anyone's shit. She was always optimistic and she would always have a smile on her face." Everyone chuckled. "She didn't deserve this. Rest in peace my beautiful daughter"

Then Travis got up with Max. Max took the microphone and stood beside the big wood thingy.

"My mum was always the one who would help me ride my bike, do my homework, and my shoelaces. She would cook me dinner and bath me. She was the best mother I could ever ask for." He sniffles his nose because tears were dripping out of his eyes. "I love you mum."

He runs into Travis and hugs him so hard. Doesn't he realise that he isn't our father? That he isn't related to us by anything? That he isnt family?

They get off the stage. And another person gets on. "Is there any other messages anyone would like to send to Ruby while up in heaven?"

Max nudges me. I look at him and he points to the stage. I shake my head.

What if I never said anything here and I regret my whole life? I need to say something.

I stand up. "I will"

I walk to the stage as my legs are about to crumble like the bottom of a slice of cheese cake.

I grab the microphone and in-hale very deeply.

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