Chapter 6

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Today was the day when i go over to Justin's house to do homework. I wasn't really excited to go over to be honest because well it was homework. I hate homework.
I went to class as Taylor comes up to me.
"I heard you are going over to Justin's house to do homework?" She had this smirk on her face as though she was creating a evil plan. I'm hoping she isn't.
"Yeah, I am. I couldn't blow him off." i looked at her and she kept moving her eyebrows up and down. "Oh stop it you!" I said to her walking a bit faster.
All of a sudden I felt as though I hit a brick wall. But I accidentally ran into someone. Justin Bieber.
I tried to pick up my book but me and him head butted.
"Ouch!" we both said at the same time. I decided to stand up and hope he gets his books first. Instead he looks up and grins.
"Hey Walker!" he says. He picks up all of the book and stands up. "I believe these are yours?" He hands me my Geography and Math books back to me.
"Thanks" i was memorised by his eyes. They pierced through my heart. I don't know how or why I was feeling this but I might have a connection with him.
"No worries" he says. He flashed his smile and walked off.
"Oh my, where were you?" She saw that I was smiling to myself. "What just happened." I just realised that Taylor wasn't with me at all the whole time. I turned around to her and grabbed her arm.
"Let's go to Math!" I had a massive smile on my face as we walked really fast to Math.
Math was really boring. we had to learn about the quantity of x and y. It sucked.
Justin's house
I was outside a very expensive house. It was all grey and it had a fansy door. I walked up to his porch and knocked. I looked at myself. I tried to straighten my jeans and shirt and I tried to fix my hair. A couple seconds later a woman opened the door. She had a smile on her face. She seemed pretty nice.
"Hi, you must be Sarah. I have heard so much about you!" she put her hand out and wanted me to shake it. I shakes it.
"Please come in." she opened the door wider and went inside.
His house was massive. There were stairs to go up and photos of Justin when he was younger.
I closed the door and followed the woman into a think it was a kitchen.
"How rude am i? My name is Pattie!" she went over to the kettle and put it on.
"You want some tea hun?" she asked.
"No, but thanks anyway."
I heard some noise coming from the stairs. Someone was coming down the stairs. Then I saw Justin pop his head in the kitchen. He walked in. His had was all messy and he was scratching the back of his head.
"Oh hey Sarah. I didn't know you were here. Well come on, let's go upstairs." he walked off as I followed I turned around and smiled at Pattie. She was such a nice women.
I walked up the stairs and I saw all these photos of Justin with his mum and his dad. I even saw some with two little kids.
I walked into his room and wow. He had a electric guitar on a stand. And he had some posters on the walls. On the left side of his room was a desk. On the desk ha a photo of him and a baby. I picked it up and smiled.
"That's my little sister, Jazmyn. She's a cutie pie." he said smiling to himself.
I put the picture down and sat on his bed.
2 hours later
I had been two hours and we finished our homework. It was a lot of work. It was about Shakespeare and how he became famous and stuff. I didn't really like Shakespeare. He seems bit odd.
I really got to know Justin a lot more. He loved to wear supras which was really weird. He loved sour patch kids and his favourite colour is purple. He was smiling and laughing the whole time.
"Thanks for letting me come over. I had a great time. Well expect the homework, that was a pain!" I said to him just outside his house.
"That's okay! Thanks for coming over too!" he had a massive grin on his face.
"Bye!" I said as I went to walk to my car.
I hoped in and wave at him. He was standing there with his white jeans and his half black half grey jumper on and he was waving back.
I drove off as I was thinking.
I really like him...

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