Chapter 7

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2 months later
Justin's POV
The past couple of months have been amazing. Ever since I came to Bakersfield High, i have been complete. I'm now talking/tuning Sarah and we have gone on a couple of dates. We also text and call each other a lot. But I haven't properly asked her to be my girlfriend. But I think I might have a really good idea.
Another question that pops into my head every time i talk to Sarah, is whether or not to tell her about my Chantelle, my crazy ex. I'm not sure she will like it...
Today I woke up to the sun shinning on my face and body. I wiped my eyes and got up. I looked at my notifications on my phone. There were a few from twitter.
"@Samson1 retweeted your tweet"
"@kane3286 favourited your tweet"
"@SarahWalker is now following you"
[these aren't real twitter accounts]
I smiled to myself. I clicked on her profile. There was a photo of me and her on a hill, with picnic things, as her cover photo.
As I walked into school I saw Sarah. She was talking to Taylor. I decided not to go over to them because she never gets to hang out with Taylor that much anymore because she has been hanging out with me. I walked over to Chaz and Ryan. I give them a manly handshake. The boys and i have gotten a lot more closer now since they are Sarah's friends.
"Hey guys." i say.
"Hey man, I'm surprised you aren't over with Sarah" Ryan says with a smile on his face.
"Ha ha, very funny. Nah, I'm going to let her talk to Taylor." I say back to them.
I look over to Sarah and I see her already looking at me. I smile at her and she smiles back.
Sarah's POV
I looked over to Justin. He was such a nice guy, then I see him smile at me. I smile back.
"So, have you decided if you want to date Justin yet? Because like you his hang out all the time!" Taylor says to me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Um, well yeah, I would love to date him."
"But?" She says like I have forgotten something.
"But i don't want to ask him out. I want him to ask me out. I know thats kinda old fashioned but like i want it to be nice and fancy. Not all, you know, present." I had a smile on my face. Any time I would talk about Justin, I would always have a smile on my face.
"Okay, well just wondering." She chuckled a bit. "Well I'm over to the boys, you coming?"
"Yeah, sure" i looked over to Justin. He has gotten such good friends with Ryan and Chaz. I'm so happy for him.
I walked over to the boys.
I straight away went over to Justin and hugged him. He put his hand over my shoulder and rested my head on him.
"Aw, you guys are like the cutest couple ever! Number one on the charts." Taylor says as she is cuddly with Ryan.
I chuckle. "Thanks Taylor."
All of a sudden, the bell went. I had to go to History.
It was break now and I decided to sit with everyone instead of Justin and i. We were siting outside this time.
I was cuddling up to Justin and I looked up at him. The way his hair fell perfectly was well perfect. His eyes I could get lost in. I saw his eyes drag down to my lips. I saw he but his lip as well. I leaned in as well as he and we kissed. It felt like fireworks. It was so amazing.
I heard everyone start to laugh and whistle. We stopped and looked over to our friends. They all had smirks on their faces and were all giggling.
I put my face into Justin's crest of his neck. I was so embarrassed that thy saw that. But Justin didn't seem to mind.
The rest of break we just talked about random things.
I got home at 3:55pm. I went into the kitchen and put my bag onto the table. I opened up the fridge and got an apple. I took my bag upstairs to my room.
I turned on some music and jumped on my bed. I started to remember the day that just happened.
Flashbacks went through my head. Butterflies started to develop in my stomach. I couldn't believe I kissed Justin Bieber. Oh my.
All of a sudden my music stopped playing and my ringtone started to play.
"It's all about that bass, about that bass, no trouble."
I quickly picked it up and stared at the ID. It was my mum.
Me- Hey mum
Mum- hey darling, could you please get the chicken out of the freezer please so it can defrost for dinner.
Me- sure mum, do that now, bye
Mum- bye darl
I hanged up and walked down stairs. I went over to the kitchen and did what I was told.
The rest of the night went really fast. I was talking to Justin for about 2 hours and I watched a couple of movies as well. The night was a breeze.
Authors Note
Hey guys, sorry i haven't posted in so long. School hoildays are coming up so I will be able to post more.
Sorry if it a bit longer, I had to put a kiss in there.
Do you have any ideas on how Justin's going to ask Sarah to be his girlfriend?
Have a amazing week xxx

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